Dear Guy- Best Friend

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To My Guy Best Friend,

Thank you for all those lectures, advices and scoldings which made my life a little easy. Thank you for being my rock in the worst of circumstances.

      Sometimes I wonder why I put up with you. Then again, you're the only one I can call at two in the morning without a second thought. You are the one who will listen to my ramblings without any complaint. Even when I'm crying, you crack the weirdest of jokes just to make me smile. I know I can always trust you to beat the crap out of anyone who hurts me.

             Thank you for giving me the strength to fight my own battles. Thank you for always being there for me.

Your Annoying Friend


Hey guys,
Here's the update. Have a Guy Best Friend? Screenshot this and send it to him. Make him smile.

This letter is dedicated to Bhallu (a nickname I've given to him), my only guy best friend.

Love 💕,

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