Part 5 gang and what they do at the mall

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Narancia: Bruno I need more money

Bruno: What the fuck did you spend it, on I gave you 100$

Narancia: *holds the stuffed bear he won at the arcade behind his back that he used all his money on for credits* uhhhh nothing much*runs*
Mista: Abbacchio what the fuck are you doing

Abbacchio: *picks out clothes for infants* I'm buying these for you now try them on

Narancia: *at the lego store*

Fugo: What are you? 9?

Narancia: Yeah I'm 9 inches in your mom
Giorno: Bruno why are you getting me that figure? She's almost naked I don't thin-

Bruno: Who said it was for you?
Narancia: What do you mean there's a treasure at the back of Spencer's? Why do you want me to go?

Mista: Because I said so now go

A minute later

Mista: How was it

Narancia: I'm not sure if it's a treasure I would like but I think you and Giorno would enjoy it *walks out*

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