Chapter 22

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Tris POV

Today is going to be a lazy day I can already tell because Tobias and I both have the day off from work so we are going to hang out. I feel like we have been a little distant lately but I don't think it is anything to serious or else I would have figured it out by now because he is terrible at keeping stuff to himself. Anyways now you can definitely see the baby and I am so excited because soon we get for find out the genders of our beautiful babies. I am 5 months today but I wanted to wait to find out the genders until 6 months. I get snapped out of my thought when Tobias starts talking to me

"Hey, Tris what do you want to do today we can go down to the training room or cafeteria or something."

"Okay, I think I want to go to the pit and see if they have anything for the babies or maybe even me. Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure just let me get ready first."

"Tobias, I still have to get ready too so don't worry."

"Oh, sorry you just always look beautiful so I didn't notice."

"Okay so I can go out in booty shorts and a crop top."

"No how about a turtle neck and sweatpants?"

And at that I just laugh and start to get ready.

Tobias POV

Tris is doing initiation this year again just not the fights so after we go to the pit we are going to the training room to start practicing again because it had been awhile for both of us. Zeke and I already placed a bet about initiation which is a week from today. I said I think the first jumper will be erudite, Zeke thinks it will be a candor but Tris thinks it will be an abnegation or amity. None of us think Tris is right because there Is rarely any amity. It is way to big of a jump from always extremely happy to shooting guns and beating the crap out of people. As for abnegation there has only been two and that is Tris and I so that explains that.
••••••••••••down at the pit•••••••••••••••

Tris has found many different things for the babies and some for herself so I take the bags for her and we walk back to our apartment and change into workout clothes. When Tris puts hers on you can really see how big her stomach really is. I go over to her and kiss her and the babies and say

"I love you babies and I love your mommy too."

Then I kiss her again and we start walking to the training room.

We get there and we are the only ones in there so we can do whatever we want and can stay together the whole time. I work mostly on my fighting because I am the only one that is going to be teaching the initiates that this year so I have to be better than last year. Tris mostly works on shooting guns and knifes and some running too. The one thing that you want to prepare for but you can't is the fear simulation. The amount of things you see in people's mind is crazy.

Tris POV

After about a hour in the training room Peter comes in. Tobias asks

"What do you want and or need Peter?"

"Well I just wanted to tell you that max assigned me to help you in fighting in initiation since Tris can't do it this year."

•*•*Talk about Peter and four talk and how four wanted to switch people. And how tris went to bathroom screamed and four came ran to where he heard it and found out it was christina scaring tris.•*•*

Peters POV
I am so glad I am fours partner because now I can tell him that I want him and I to actually be friends I am not sure how it will work out but we will see. We can forget about Tris almost during because of me...right? Okay maybe not so much but still. They can at least feel like I am not going to murder them every five seconds. I just know that if I want to impress four and the untainted I need to start practicing my fighting because I am starting to lose form and I can not let that happen if front of everybody.

Tris POV

Tobias and I are walking back to our apartment now and I start getting pains in my stomach but I don't know what they are I am about 5 months pregnant so I don't really know. Then I feel movement and I stop in the middle of the hallway and feel my stomach. Tobias comes running over and says

"What's wrong?"

"The babies started kicking Tobias. They kicked."

I take his hand and place it where I felt the kicks at. The babies keep kicking and we keep our hands there until they stop like 5 minutes later. We just have these huge grind on our face and keep walking back to the apartment. I can't believe in a few months we will be parents to two little kids. I can't wait until they start running around and playing. So far dauntless life has lived up to what it is.


It it that time where I ask what should the babies names be? I NEED your suggestions so what do you think. Comment and vote to tell me what you think!!!! Thanks for everything
Have fun!

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