3. -Rye- Rock Climbing

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Rye and I have been dating for a few months. I work at a bar and had a shitty day. The clients weren't so nice to me and didn't tip me enough. And then I forget the drunk guy who spilled his drink on me. I went home and saw the Rye wasn't home yet. I laid in the couch and started crying. Then I hear the keys in the lock. 

R: "Babe, I'm home!"

I didn't react at him and didn't even move. He walks towards me and gives me a little kiss on my cheek. 

R: "Is everything alright?"

He wiped a tear from my face.

Y/n: "No, I had a really shitty day at work. It looked like nothing could go right."

Rye smiled at me.

R: "Put some sporty clothes on, I'm taking you somewhere."

He said really happy. I smiled at him. I really could use some distraction, so I get up. I walk upstairs and search for a nice outfit and put it on.

 I walk upstairs and search for a nice outfit and put it on

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I walk back downstairs.

R: "Babe, you look beautiful."

I started blushing a little. 

Y/n: "Thanks. So, where are you taking me?"

R: "That's a secret."

He grabs my hand and we walk outside. He opens the car door for me and I get in. He walks to the other side of the car and gets in and starts driving. After 20 minutes, we arrive at a big building.

Y/n: "What are we doing here?"

R: "You'll see."

He takes my hand and we walk inside. I see rock climbing walls everywhere.

Y/n: "We're rock climbing?"

R: "Yes, do you like it?"

Y/n: "I love it!"

I can't stop smiling. I really don't know how he can make me so happy every time.

-time skip-

I really had a great time rock climbing with Rye. 

R: "I have another surprise for you back home."

Y/n: "Oh, I can't wait."

I was excited. We leave the building and drive back home. As soon as we arrive home, Rye runs upstairs and returns with some blankets. Then he walks into the kitchen and takes some matches and marshmallows. 

R: "Let's go outside."

Y/n: "What are we doing?"

R: "A little patience and you'll see."

I smiled at him and we walked outside. Rye took some wood and lit it. A fire started burning. 

R: "We're having a bonfire!"

Y/n: "Yes!"

I smile widely. I love bonfires. We chatted the whole night, Rye sang some songs for me and we ate the marshmallows. I had the most amazing night with the best boyfriend any girl could wish for.

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