7. -Rye- Broken Strings

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Rye and I have been together for almost three years and I love him and the band so much. Especially now that I'm part of it. I help them with recording and on tour and I basically do everything for them. And even now and then I can sing with them in a cover or even on stage. I just love this job so much, because I can do what I like and be with Rye all the time. Sometimes, we even get tired of each other, because we see each other too much. So, that's why we decided he'd have a boys weekend away from home and I'd have some girl friends sleeping over here at home.

I wanted to sing some songs with them at the bonfire we were having in the garden. So, I needed a guitar. I decided I would just take on of Rye's. I walked into our room and grabbed one and then walked back into the garden and sat at one of the chairs. I put the guitar on my lap and start tuning it. While I was tuning it, one of the strings popped. We were all shocked.

Y/n: "Shoot, he's gonna be mad."

I started panicking and desperately tried to fix it. Just at that moment, I hear some car doors opening. 

Y/n: "Oh no, they're home already."

I realized that I still had the guitar in my hands and I also that I grabbed his favorite guitar. The boys walked into the garden. Rye was smiling at me, until he saw me with his favorite guitar and the broken string. 

R: "Y/n, why is one of the strings broken on one of my guitars? More specifically, my favorite one? Y/n! You know that I don't like it when you take my stuff without even asking me. What the fuck?"

I knew that he wasn't going to calm down, because he rarely swears. And he knows that I don't like it. A tear started rolling from my cheek. 

Y/n: "Rye, I- I really didn't know I picked your favorite guitar. I really didn't. I went to our room to get one, just to sing some songs around the bonfire and since you have so many guitars, I didn't realize I picked your favorite. Please, don't yell at me."

R: "Oh yeah, you just should've asked me or at least took another guitar. God, you do this all the time. I just can't believe you, you only think about yourself. You never think of how I feel about things. You know what? It's over. We're done."

Rye storms out of the garden and Robbie runs after him. I hear the car door slam and the car drives away. I started crying even more and ran upstairs into our bedroom. I locked the door and tucked myself in bed. I was laying at my side of the big bed, all alone and I just couldn't sleep. I unlocked the door and went downstairs to grab a glass of water. After that, I went back into bed, but I didn't lock the door this time. I turned my back towards the door and tried to fall asleep. I hear some footsteps and the door opens, I thought it was Andy, maybe he wanted to check on me or something. So, I didn't turn my back.

R: "Y/n?"

I heard Rye's voice. A tear rolled down my cheek. I still didn't turn my back.

R: "Please y/n, let me apologize. I can't sleep without you."

I turned my back at him and decided I would let him apologize. 

R: "Please forgive me, I'm not mad at you anymore. It's okay. I'm so sorry about everything I said."

Y/n: "But I popped a string. On your favorite guitar! You should be mad."

R: "Babe, I have a box full of guitar strings. It's an easy fix. But please, just don't do it again."

Y/n: "I won't. I promise."

R: "I'm so sorry I said all those horrible things to you. I shouldn't have. I know you don't like it when people yell at you. Please forgive me."

Y/n: "It's okay. I forgive you."

R: "I love you. How about I make it up to you with some cuddles, hmm?"

Y/n: "I love you too and I'd like that."

Rye laid next to me in bed and puts his strong arms around me. He comforted me that everything was okay. 

Y/n: "Promise me, we won't ever fight again."

R: "I promise, babe."

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