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A/N: Oh, wow! An author's note? I wonder why??? Oh, wait! There's a gay slur and a panic attack in this so watch out my chirren!

That felt like one of the most slowest classes I'd ever had. . .not in a bad way, though. Every word Professor Hidgens said made the seconds feel like minutes, and then those minutes feel like hours. I hadn't even noticed the fact that he said it was time to go to the food hall. I was just scribbling little stars, hearts, and another random ass doodles into my notebook like I always did when I got bored. I felt a small tap on my shoulder, I slowly lifted my head to see a slightly younger looking kid, wearing a yellow polo along with orange suspenders, jeans, and glasses, standing beside my seat, trying to get his books and shit crammed into his bag as he spoke.

"Are you going to leave class or just stay here. . . ?" He said quickly, his voice somewhat shaky.

"Oh, um, sorry! I wasn't paying attention t-"

"I saw that, Y/N, your gonna be late. . ." He said, voice filled with annoyance. He finally got his books into his bag, leaving me in the room. . .alone. . .with Professor Hidgens.

I started putting my books in my bag, seeing Professor Hidgens raise his head in the corner of my eye. "Are you late to dinner or just early to my class?" He asked as I raised my head to look at his desk.

"Just getting my stuff together. . .I got distracted and didn't realize we were dismissed!" I said, stuffing my last book into my bag, rising from my seat, not bothering to put it over my shoulder just yet.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. . .and make sure you're not late, five o'clock, ok?" He said, which I nodded to. I slung my bag over my shoulder, underestimating it's weight. I felt my body fall backward, yelping slightly. This is the death of me. . .I thought. That thought was cut short when something caught me, I looked behind me slightly, seeing that it was Professor Hidgens with his arms around me, almost in stance of a life guard pulling a body to land, about to perform CPR.

"Woah! You need to be careful next time, ok?" He asked, awkwardly smirking. I lifted myself off of him, putting the other strap of my bag over my other shoulder. I nodded quickly, heading out of class, waving a 'good-bye' to him. I swear to god, I definitely looked like a tomato! I took long, quick strides down the hall, not looking back. If he saw me at the moment he would probably just be like, 'Wow, what an idiot. . .'.

I finally made it to the cafeteria, seeing my usual table with Paul, Emma, Ted, Bill, and (surprisingly) Charlotte was sitting with us today. Charlotte usually sat with her over controlling boyfriend, Sam, but I guess he wasn't in the cafeteria yet.

I sat down in a seat next to Paul, him greeting me, his face soon turning serious seeing that I had my head in my hands, letting out a long, deep sigh.

"What's the matter with you?" He asked, but I didn't raised my head. I could still feel the heat on my face, it transferring to my hands, "Y/N?"

"Nothing." I said, muffled by my hands. I felt his hand on my head, him lifting it by my hair. I glared at him, him chuckling slightly.

"Why are you blushing so much?" He asked, Emma soon giggling. She pulled Paul towards her, whispering in his ears, I wasn't sure what she said, though. Paul gasped dramatically. "Do you have a crush?!"

I rolled my eyes, "No. . .I don't have a crush. . ." He furrowed his eyebrows, Ted soon intervening.

"I bet it's the new professor. . ." He said calmly, Paul casually nodding as if agree with him.

"You mean Professor Hidgens? No. . .one-hundred times no." I said, feeling my face heat up even more. Fuck you brain. . .why do you have to send signals to my blood stream just like 'Hey! Let's make them blush at the worst time possible so their friends won't believe them!' I thought.

"Your face says otherwise, Y/N. . .say. . .how do you feel about this Professor Hidgens fellow?" Ted asked, me rolling my eyes at him, despite my face going even more red.

"I feel nothing, Ted. . .he's just. . .a professor." I said, trying not be extremely obvious.

"Well. . .would you say he's cute?" Ted asked, seeming like he finally got to the bottom of this whole charade.

"I mean. . .maybe. . ." I said, soon clasping my hands over my mouth, knowing full well that they knew.

"That's a yes or no question, Y/N. . ." Ted said. I had to tell the truth because if I didn't, they would know. . .but if I lied it wouldn't be as embarrassing. . .but I had to do the right thing.

"I. . .yeah. . .he's kinda cute. . . ?" I said, all my friends going wide eyed, smiling and cheering like idiots. "But that doesn't mean I like him. . .I can say he's attractive without being like 'Oh my god! Fuck me hard in the a—'"

I stopped talking as soon as I saw him walking over. . .Sam. He looked extremely pissed off, probably because Charlotte was sitting with us. I got out of my seat, stepping in front of Charlotte, right in the middle of Sam's path.

"Move." He said sternly, just earning a glare from me. I had seen people angrier than him, so it didn't scare me one little bit.

"And if I don't?" I said tauntingly, him just grimacing. It looked like I was confident on the outside, like I could do anything, but my mind was racing and screaming at me. My mind knew this was going to end horribly.

"I said 'Move'!" He said, trying to get past me, Charlotte ducking in her seat like it was her being targeted.

"Why should I?!" I yelled, by now everyone was looking at us, a few professors that had already had their dinner in the little 'teachers lounge' area were trying to get through the crowd, but were failing miserably.

I could tell that Sam was having enough, he soon growled angrily before yelling something that made me break. "I said 'Move'. . .faggot." He pushed me out of the way, but I didn't feel it. . .I just fell on the ground, staring off into space. I heard ever little whisper of every single person in the room all at once. Most of them were about me. . .and they all had one word repeated in them.


The air felt thick and impossible to bring in. The words that everyone spoke stung every inch of my body. Every single thought that crossed through my mind blinded my eyes.

I knew I was having a panic attack. . .but it didn't occur to me until afterward. It didn't occur to me until I heard a familiar voice pull me out of my troubles, but it was somewhat muffled

"Y/N? Y/N! Listen to me, not them. . .look at me and take a deep breath, ok?" The fog of tears cleared when I finally saw Professor Hidgens, trying desperately to pull my arm away from my face. "Let's go to the biology room, take a few minutes to calm, ok?"

I nodded, slowly standing with him by my side. I honestly don't remember the walk to the classroom, but I just remember arriving.

Five O'Clock Can't Come Soon Enough, Can It? Professor Hidgens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now