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A/N: Mention of gay slur

As soon as we arrived to the room, I hurried to my seat and just sat there. I didn't know what to do. . .I didn't want to do anything but sit there and be drowned in my emotions. But a voice jolted me out of that state.

"You. Down here, please." Professor Hidgens said, snapping his fingers to get my attention. I slowly made my way to the front of the classroom, looking at him, worried that something bad would happen. "What happened. . .I understand if you don't want to talk about it. . ."

I stayed silent, I honestly didn't want to talk about being called a faggot to a new professor. . .it would be awkward.

"I don't like the silent treatment. . .either tell me or don't tell me. . .but I would like to have your acknowledgement. . ." He said, but, again, I didn't answer him. "Y/N." I could tell he was annoyed, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk. "Y/N, talk to me." He grabbed my chin and lifted my head so I was looking at him.

"I-I don't wanna t-talk about it. . ." I stammered out, Professor Hidgens soon putting on a sympathetic smile. I tried to back away from him but he just crossed his arms, signaling for me to stay put. "L-look. . .Professor Hi-"

"That's my name for class, and we're not in class, are we?" I nodded, letting him continue, "So. . .for now, you can call me Henry."

Henry. That just made him one-hundred times cuter. Shit.

"Are you ok now?" He asked, which I shook my head to. It was still hard to breathe and my chest was in pain from crying so much. "W-why not?" Isn't it obvious. . .I thought, grimacing at it, knowing if I said it out loud something bad would happen.

"I-I said I didn't w-wanna talk about it. . ." I said, panic starting to rise back, but I pushed it away. "Pl-plus. . .why w-would it matter, any-anyway?" The last part accidentally slipping out. . .but I didn't apologize.

"I'm trying to help you, Y/N. I can't help you if you won't let me." Henry said, trying to calm, I could tell he could break at any moment, but I would not let him break.

"F-fine, if you wanna know so badly!" I said, aggravated.

"I never told you t-"

"Somebody called me a 'f-faggot', ok? H-Happy?" I said, my voice breaking in the middle of the sentence, but ignored it. "Not that you would understand, anyway. . ."

Henry crosses his arms, looking almost intimidating in the stance, but I could see right through him. . .he felt sorry about himself.

"Ok. . .let me explain something to you. . .sit down in one of the front desks. . ." I did as he said, sitting down, knowing that I probably in trouble now. "When I was in school I was called a faggot everyday. . .but I didn't let it hurt me. . ."

"I don't see h-how that's possible. . ." I murmured, him hearing me.

"Oh, it is. . .and that's because they weren't wrong. . ." Henry said, causing me to laugh slightly. "Hey, I'm not lying to you! I'm actually. . .a queer. . ."

"Well. . .Sam and the other kids weren't wrong either. . ." I said quietly, Henry just chuckling slightly. My panic. . .it was gone. I got out of my seat and rushed over to Henry, hugging him.

"Not to be rude. . .but I can kinda tell your a queer." Henry said, causing me chuckle, mainly because he hadn't hugged back yet.

"The hug?" I asked, Henry nodding, finally hugging back.

Five O'Clock Can't Come Soon Enough, Can It? Professor Hidgens x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon