⋆ ✧ Chapter 4 ✧ ⋆

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3rd Person POV

2 Weeks Later

It was currently 2:46 am, and Todoroki was laying down on his bed, debating with himself about something.

After a couple of minutes of silence he sat up and slowly opened his door and looked out into the hall, only to see nobody. He was wearing a black hoodie with basketball shorts and flip flops. (What are those shoes that you wear in your house? I forgot lol)

Todoroki has been preparing for this for awhile, about 2 weeks exactly.

He was holding a basket, and in the basket there were cookies. But every cookie had a paper wrap around it with a string trying it together, and a paper that had everyone's name on it. Though, there was one cookie that wasn't like the others. Uraraka's. Her cookie had poison in it, but it would take affect about an hour after she ate it.

Todoroki decided to just go to the classroom and leave it there, since nobody roams the school halls, and the classroom isn't locked. He had his hood up so no one would know it's him.

Todoroki did bake all of these cookies himself, remembering his Mother's recipe. He also made one fort he teachers and himself, obviously to not look suspicious.

He went in the classroom and placed the basket on the teacher's desk, and then sped walked back to his dorm.

When he closed his door, he took off his shoes and hoodie and silently went into his bed.

'Well, no going back now...' He thought as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Morning, 7:30 am

Todoroki was getting ready for school, not really caring about anything. Though, one thing was on his mind. The cookies.

All Might could've seen them since he'll sometimes go into the classroom early. Todoroki wasn't so sure about the other teachers though.

He smirked when he imagined what their reactions would be like when Uraraka would suddenly fall lifeless to the floor during their class.

He giggled, but then stopped himself and finished his morning rituals.


The bell was about to ring any second, and everybody in the classroom was looking at the basket on the teachers desk, curiosity filling their minds.

"Ohoho, do one of the teachers have a valentine?" Mina whispered to Tsuyu, who just shrugged.

"Wait what if it's a bomb!" Kaminari gasped, joking as his classmates giggled at his actions.

"What if it's por-" Mineta was interrupted as All Might and Mr. Aizawa walked into the classroom.

"All right class, the bell rang, be quiet." Mr. Aizawa didn't notice the basket till he walked over to his desk.

"What is this?" He asked the class, carefully inspecting it.

"I don't know. It was there when I came in." Hagakure said.

"Yeah, I was the first one here and I saw it already there." Kirishima said.

"Hm." Mr. Aizawa hummed as he grabbed a note from the inside of the basket which read in fancy cursive,

To the class of 1-A, the classroom of future heros.

Please enjoy these cookies, they were baked with pure love.

Todoroki mentally sighed, embarrassed from that note he made.

"Well, it looks like someone made cookies for you guys." Mr. Aizawa said as he kept looking at the card. The class cheered, happy to eat the cookies.

Mr. Aizawa passed the cookies around, and the people who were eating theirs were satisfied with the way it tasted.

When he was done passing them out, everybody had almost finished theirs.

"Well, let's start class now." Mr. Aizawa said as he started to write on the board.


An hour into class, All Might was passing tests back to the students when, suddenly, Uraraka started to violently cough.

"Uraraka! Are you okay?!" All Might shouted as he ran to her. She was coughing up blood and was on her knees, holding her stomach.

"Someone get Recovery Girl!" Mr. Aizawa yelled as Kirishima and Mina ran out the door.

When Recovery Girl arrived in the classroom it was already too late. Ochako Uraraka was already dead. Todoroki tried his best to hold his grin back, and pretended to be sad.

"Is- is she-" Hagakure held back her tears as All Might instructed everyone to get out of the classroom. Some people had tears in their eyes, while others were too terrified to realize what had just happened, and then there was Todoroki. He didn't feel any sadness. Instead, he felt relieved. 'No more interference... for now, at least.' He thought to himself.

The school was put on lockdown for awhile, and class 1-A was sent to the all purpose field, and soon enough all of the other classes were sent there too.

The other classes had no idea what was going on, but when they saw 1-A, petrified and crying, they knew it was something serious.

Soon, All Might began talking to everyone on a megaphone.

"I know you all may be wondering what is happening, but everything is okay. Something happened in class 1-A... Ochako Uraraka has been poisoned and is unfortunately not with us anymore..." All Might tried to hold back his tears but had a face of sorrow.

All of the other classes were shocked that somebody would poison Uraraka.

Little did they know, the murderer was in class 1-A.



896 words

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