I Am A Liar

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Oh, but who is the number one liar but me!

Not only do I keep this fake-ass smile on my face, half of what I say is all lies.

You really think we beat up Karamatsu-niisan till he bleeds? No. We hit him around a bit but never that bad.

Do you think that Totty doesn't express love for us? Of course he does!

My own reality is so warped even I don't know what's true anymore. Haha! Isn't that funny??


Maybe that's why I smile, so I don't have to distinguish reality from my mind's conjurations! So no matter what happens, my smile is an excuse for my behaviour.

I am a liar.

Everyone is a liar.

Maybe even Osomatsu-nii-san is a liar. Maybe he's so good even I don't know.

The world is full of too many liars.


That gives me an idea...

*Continues in Trick Of The Light*

Fucking Liars {Jyushimatsu}Where stories live. Discover now