Chapter 1

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*Adam's POV*

You know, you've gotta give my parents credit for choosing to move in essentially the worst time of the school year. No joke.

The 2nd half of the first semester of my junior year. Yup.

So basically, we just packed up everything and moved here from Seattle for reasons I still don't know. We managed to pack everything up in three days and drive all the way down here with our little Uhaul.

No forewarning.

No time for a genuine family meeting.

We just left everything I spent so long trying to build up. I finally figured out who I am and the people I love, but they just force me to leave. Trust me, I tried to stay with my best friend Scott, but they insisted that this would be good for my "social development" or some shit like that. I don't know. So now I'm decorating my new designated room with my old furniture, ironically.

"Adam?" my mom asked as she popped her head in the door.

"Yes, mom?" I tried not to sound pissed, but this whole situation has me flaming mad.

"How do you like it so far?" She had this genuine smile on her face, but I couldn't understand how she could be so carefree.

"Well, it's nothing like my old room, but it'll suffice."

"Honey," she started as she sat in my computer chair, "I know you don't understand right now, but once we get settled and everything, I promise to tell you exactly why all of this happened."

"Pinky promise?" I asked and stuck out my pinky.

She smiled and intertwined her pinky with mine, "Pinky promise." This had always been a tradition we've done since I could speak.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna get back to it. When do I start school?"

"Actually, tomorrow."


"Have fun, love you!" she shouted as she fast-walked out of the room. I ran my hands through my curly hair and continued to put my clothes into drawers, completely nervous about my first day approaching so rapidly.

*Time skip to the next day*

My phone went off at 7:30 the next morning with the generic iPhone ringtone. I sighed and swiped it to make it shut up. "Here we go," I mumbled as I pushed myself up out of bed, taking a quick shower to wake me up. I threw on skinny jeans, a black V-neck, and some Vans and ran downstairs. I didn't need to take a backpack since I have no idea what I actually needed. 

My mom and dad were at the kitchen table with cups of coffee and having a deep conversation about something. "Hey," I greeted them while grabbing some coffee in a to-go cup. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah, sure," my mom murmured as she rose out of her seat. We walked out to her car and got in. Dad actually transferred to a location here with the company he worked at, so he actually had work today.

We drove in comfortable silence to my new school. Once we got there, school had hardly began, so there was just kids running in at the last minute instead of the huge herd that probably exists here. I subconsciously flipped my hair to the side as we walked in. But during that millisecond, I noticed these group of guys. No, not the jock douche bags, or the emo kids, or the band kids, but this blended group of guys that just seemed.. Genuinely happy. Just like I aim to be. They were all scrawny-ish, but one of them had shortish brown hair that went to the side, another one had nearly-buzzed hair that was blonde, and the last one who actually made eye contact with me had longish flippy brown hair, but he had these mesmerizing brown eyes that I didn't want to lose sight of...

But I had to, because I had to save myself from completely running into the rail between the two main doors. I felt myself turn red. I chuckled and made eye contact with the long-haired boy again, noticing a small smile creep on his lips at me. I turned my attention forward again and walked with my mom to the guidance office to enroll me into something that I'm suddenly starting to believe that this will be good for me.


Hey guys. I'm currently obsessed with Skylox fan fictions, so I decided to give this a go.

This will not be a smut by any means. I just want it to be really precious and stuff, so yeah. Vote for it and I'll try to keep it going.


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