Chapter 2

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*Ty's POV*

"Ty!" Jerome screamed in my ear. I flinched out of my trance and looked at him. "Ty, what'd you find so interesting, buddy?"

"Oh, n-nothing." I usually don't have a stutter, but whenever I get nervous, damn, it's prominant.

"Oh-ho-ho, he's nervous. Did you find some nice eye candy?" Mitch piped in.

"What? Here? Never in a million years. I mean, have you seen the girls that walk these halls? There's nothing that fits my 'type.'" I explained as we walked into our shared first block. I never said anything about a certain guy though. Has he always been here?

"I mean, true, but you were obviously very.... what's the word?" Jerome asked Mitch.

"I dunno, dood, maybe entranced?" Mitch replied.

"Ah, yes, entranced." They nodded in unison.

"You guys are idiots."

They shrugged and turned into the front as the teacher began the lesson. The class was History, so basically I just had to pretend to take notes. So, natually, I sat there and doodled a more-3D version of a Minecraft creeper. There was a knock at the door and I barely glanced up to see the stare-down guy enterring the classroom.

"May I help you?" the teacher asked.

"Uh, I'm new here. And this is my first block, apparentally." God, that voice was melodic.

"All right, so what's your name?"

"Adam. Adam Dahlberg."

"Okay, Adam. I guess you can sit behind Mitch. Oh, Mitch, raise your hand." Mitch slightly acknowledged the command with his head still on the desk. Adam slightly smiled, but avoided eye contact with me as he made his way to his desk. I sighed and went back to doodling, but was interrupted by someone tapping my arm. I glanced back to meet those gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Uh-hey, can I borrow a sheet of paper?" he asked gently, with his cheeks slightly pink. Why was he blushing? Oh, wait, he asked me something.

"Oh! Y-yeah." I turned around and ripped out a sheet probably way too fast to seem cool, but I handed it to him, sending a jolt through my fingertips. "Here you go."

"Thank you," he said, smiling shyly. I looked at Mitch and Jerome, thankful that they aren't morning people and were practically drooling on their desks while catching up on the sleep they lost. God, what would they think of me if they knew I was actually attracted to this guy? Maybe it's nothing. Maybe he's actually a horrible person. Maybe, I don't know, maybe he has a foot fetish. Either way, I snapped out of my train of thought and noticed that I had started drawing little hearts around the creeper. I looked at the clock and noticed we literally have 5 minutes left of the class.

I turned around and shoke Jerome and Mitch awake. "Doods, wake up." They grumbled and rubbed their eyes and gathered their things in time for the bell to ring.

I started to walk out when that same hand grabbed my arm. I looked back and Adam was smiling kindly. "Hey, sorry if I'm bothering yo-"

"No no, you're fine," I insisted.

"-I just have no idea where the hell I'm going," he chuckled softly. "Can you show me to my next class?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Why is he asking me of all people? "Can I see your schedule real quick?" He had Psychology, which was right next to my English class. "Yeah, it's near my next class, just follow me."

I lead him to the West wing of the school with us trying to make small talk. "So where did you move here from?"

"Oh, uh, Seattle."

"Why'd you move here of all places?" I asked, chuckling.

"I honestly don't know." I laughed, thinking it was a joke, but his face remained hard and focused. "My parents and I just.. left." He shrugged as if it was nothing, but I knew it was something.

"Well that's different. Your parents just didn't tell you? Just 'hey, gather your shit, let's leave this rainy climate for the desert?'"

He genuinely laughed this time. "Pretty much, actually. It was weird."

I nodded and we skidded to a stop. "So, uh, here's your class. Mine's right next to it if you wanna meet up after, and we have third together along with lunch." I actually gave a toothy smile instead of my regular smirk.

"Thank you so much. See you later, man."

"See ya," I sighed to myself, not being able to tame my swirling thoughts.


Yeah, so obviously this story will mostly be Adam and Ty's POVs. But I hope you enjoyed it and remember to vote for this chapter with your nooooosseee.


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