Aihara Asuga

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*Basic Info*

Name: Aihara, Asuga (last name, first name) (藍原 あすか)

Nicknames: Aihara, Aihara-san, Aihara-senpai, Asu-kun/chan (I dare you to call her that, I dare you to call her that and live to tell the tale, reserved for Sakuma ONLY)

Dub name: Aerin Alto

Dub nicknames: Miss Alto, dear/honey/love etc. (reserved for Sakuma ONLY, GO only)

Physical age: 16 years (Aliea), 17.5 years (post FFI), 26 years (GO)

Mental age: 19-25 years

Height: 5'6"

Birthday: 8/4, August 4th

Gender: female

Team/School: Orion Academy middle school soccer team, Raimon (during Aliea attack), Zodiac Asia (FFI), returns to Orion Academy as the lead coach (GO)

Team position: Midfielder, changed to Libero

Jersey number: 84

Primary element: Wind

Secondary element: Void

Physical appearance:


-stats are based off of Aihara's abilities at the end of the original series (post FFI), GO stats will measure her current abilities as a Football player, all stats will be out of 10-

-Normal stats-

Kick: 7.5

Body: 5

Control: 8

Guard: 7

Speed: 9

Stamina: 3

Guts: 4.5

-GO stats-

Kick: 8.5-9

Body: 7

Control: 9

Guard: 8

Speed: 10

Stamina: 4.5

Guts: 6

*Special Moves*

Normal Hissatsu

Wind Driver G1-G5 (SH)

Wind, A very simple but effective hissatsu for any Wind-based player, the move starts out very similarly to Fire Tornado except the user somersaults instead of rapidly spinning, the user will then strike the ball with their heel, sending it flying into the goal, this hissatsu uses speed above all else, it isn't very powerful but it doesn't matter if the GK can't even move fast enough to catch it

Tatsumaki Screw (SH)

Wind, A more complex hissatsu to learn than Wind Driver, it is more effective the sooner the user starts spinning, the user starts by running up to the ball and will then start spinning, creating a tornado that will pick up the ball and bring it closer to the user, once the user is high up in the air, they kick the ball with such force the ball looks as though it breaks the sound barrier.

真 Tatsumaki Screw (SH)

evolved from Tatsumaki Screw, Wind

Distortion Field (DR)

Void, a Hissatsu technique similar to Heaven's Time, the user traces a circle on the field and stomps the ground in the center of the circle which turns the field into a violet/indigo colored grid with stars (like actual stars not star-shaped) dotting it, all players on the field except the user are rendered immobilized for a short period of time, usually between 2-10 seconds, the field disappears when the user stomps the ground again, Aihara can cross a soccer field using this technique in about 5 seconds whereas normally it would take her about 15-20 seconds sprinting normally at max speed

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