delivery #10 - profile

112 15 10

Graphics made by goldenways

So I was a bit confused where to put this, because it wasn't really a Minka request but it still was a request.

So yeah anyways, loved making these. It's been a while since I've done banners.

Camera: shutterstock
Hand baby, silence and writing: vectorstock
Flame: iStock

Fonts: Star Dust and Tanuki Permanent Marker

So I'm not sure whether there are still some copyright issues or now that I changed it enough, the images have become mine. If someone has the answer, please let me know!

 If someone has the answer, please let me know!

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Ah well. For this particular case it doesn't really matter since it's for wattpad anyways.


If you want something like this, pm me goldenways BUT please read this first

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If you want something like this, pm me goldenways
BUT please read this first

- i'll only do minimal covers. I can't do those fancy fantasy banners with floating unicorns and magic elephants that some graphic designers have. No but seriously. It's gonna be a simple pattern, drunk lines like the example above or a quote.
- 90% chance that it'll be a vector profile. So unfortunately, I can't photoshop 50 little Shawn Mendes pictures in one bigger Shawn Mendes head as your banner.

- the waiting time is longer than just a normal cover
- can't give you an estimated time unfortunately

I WON'T do
- more than five matching book covers. Sorry guys, some people have like 50 published books. That's gonna take up way too much time
- your request without some feedback. Sometimes I can derive what you want from your profile. Helskabaal for example had flames as a banner so I gave her a flame as icon. But sometimes it's really hard to know what someone wants. There's never too much information. Information equals inspiration!

Other examples that I did are the accounts
- @moustany
- @PlanetRaytis
- @ChasingShadows
- @purebullshit
Unfortunately all inactive hahaha.

I also did some banners for other people, but I'm not sure if they still use it, so that's why I didn't add them in the list. If you still use it, fucking love youuu. If not, fuck youuu! Nah just kidding. It's been a while, my style had changed since I did profile requests on my profile.
I have to stop talking. I'm ranting.

MilesReally cool! A profile with a designpattern is always a good addition

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Really cool! A profile with a designpattern is always a good addition. I like how the colours alone already has a penetrating effect. The heave red and thumping black calls you in hellish noise. (The username is translated as hellish noise).
The cover remind me of fahrenheit 451. Idk just very nice.

[Erg cool! Een profiel met een designpatroon voegt altijd wat toe. Ik vind het leuk hoe je puur met de kleuren al een indringend gevoel creëert. Met het heftige rood en dreunende zwart roep je een hels kabaal op in het brein van degene die het profiel bezoekt, wat in dit geval erg toepasselijk is. De covers doen me denken aan fahrenheit 451 covers. Idk gewoon erg nice]

I honestly have no criticism, I can tell you that haha. So you don't have to expect a lot of critique from me. Especially the combination of colours is nicely thought out and really stands out. Simple but still eyecatching, if you understand what I'm saying. Eh well, what else... Maybe you could've placed the title of the second cover slighter higher? It's not really disturbing, but the only thing I can think of as a change. It's super, very pretty :)

[Ik vind er oprecht niks op aan te merken, dat kan ik al gelijk zeggen, haha. Heel veel kritiek hoef je van mij dus niet te verwachten. Vooral de combinatie van kleuren is mooi uitgedacht, en het valt lekker op. Simpel, maar toch eyecatching, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel.  Eh, tja, en verder... Misschien had je de titel op de tweede cover wat omhoog kunnen schuiven? Eigenlijk stoort dat niet heel erg, maar het is het enige dat ik kan bedenken om nog aan te passen. Verder super, very pretty :)]

 Verder super, very pretty :)]

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