The Truth

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Okay, so I'm sorry this took a whole week to get out to you. Last week was Midterms and I was having a hard time deciding where I wanted this chapter to go. Also filling Jon's future court was really hard. So many decisions. Anyway, here you go!

Over the last few weeks Jon had made it a habit to visit his new friend Rhae down in the springs whenever he could. Some days he would be able to stay all day and others only for an hour or two. Rhaegar didn't mind of course, he loved every moment he was able to spend with his son. They spent their time together doing many things, from Jae asking multiple questions about history at a rapid speed to the young boy asking Rhae to describe everything he had seen so Jae could get it all down on paper. A few fixed details later and he had nearly the entirety of Dragonstone at one point. It was Jon's favorite because it was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

His new obsession though had Rhaegar teaching him High Valyrian. Jon had gotten tired of Rhae's little remarks in the language and pleaded with the dragon to teach him. The boy was a quick learner and by the third week of lessons Jon had the entire alphabet and number system memorized as well being able to say multiple short phrases in the language. He had decided that Rhae was a far better teacher than Maester Luwin.

Jon also had a hidden motive for learning Valyrian, he had found a few books in the library with words he recognized from his talks with Rhae. So he took it upon himself to learn the language so he could read them and complete the riddle of who Rhae was. He was getting close, and Rhaegar knew it. The idea of his son finally putting all the pieces together made him both ecstatic and anxious beyond anything. What if when Jae figured it out he wanted nothing to do with Rhae? What if he shut down and couldn't handle the news? What if he pieced together the whole truth and didn't give him any time to explain? What if he assumed what everyone else did?

That thought would break him. He knew what people said and what rumors had spread about himself and Lyanna. Despite their best efforts to get letters out to the people who spearheaded the rebellion, it was all for not. None of their letters had made it to who they were intended for, and people died because of it. Oh how he wishes it all could have been different. But there was no use in dwelling on the past, he had more important things to focus on. Like what was in front of him right now.

His son sat on the ground between his large claws bent over and focused on the drawing before him. He was drawing what he had seen in a dream last night. When Jaehaerys had described it to him he was in shock. The way he spoke about what happened had Rhaegar convinced that it was a dragon dream. The prospect of Jae having such dreams both worried and excited him. On one hand he was worried his son would end up like himself, so focused on what was to come that he had become lost in his head but on the other, knowing his family would come together and become who they were meant to be had his heart soaring.

~~~Flashback to when Jae first arrived that day~~~

The sound of small footsteps racing through the cellar alerted Rhaegar to his son's presence. When the boy finally came into view he nearly slipped as he rounded the last corner. Jaehaerys was gasping for breath but his father could feel the excitement buzzing off of him as he spoke.

"Rhae! Rhae! Rhae! You'll never guess what just happened!" He said as he jogged the last few steps and took his usual place between his claws.

Amused at his son's enthusiasm he released a light throaty chuckle and responded. "What has you so excited that you nearly slipped on your way in?"

"Well last night I— I didn't almost slip the floor was wetter than usual."


"That is besides the point, I had a dream last night. It was clear and I remembered all of it. It started like this. I was on Dragonstone, on the beach you described and there was this man and..."

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