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Quick Note:

Okay, so a few people have messaged me asking why Chapters 4 and 5 are so similar. Here is my answer: They are similar because they are two different sides of the same conversation. It's not supposed to be entirely new material. I said this in the Author's Note at the end of Chapter 4. I'm fine with you guys asking questions, I understand that people forget sometimes and that is perfectly okay. For all of our sakes I will start summing up the previous note at the beginning of each new chapter.


I'm so sorry I am late with this. But man, all this Corona Virus stuff that my University is doing is really screwing up my schedule, not to mention my apartment has really shitty WiFi, it was out nearly all day yesterday and most of today, so I literally couldn't upload this. It was one of those days where all I wanted to do was scream.

Addressing Arthur's POV on how Ned handled Jon. He realizes that if Jae's true parentage had been revealed at that moment then not only would Robert be demanding Jae's death and Ned's head when he refused Robert but it would have plunged the realm into war once again. Dorne would riot, The North would be isolated, and the fighting would continue, costing more lives. So, yeah. But Arthur will not agree with Ned in the future, as Jae deserves better and Ned is also biased when it comes to Robert. So interactions between the two later will be interesting.

Jae's POV

There were very few moments in his short life where Jae had found himself truly angry. The only instances he could recall were when Robb had broken his favorite wooden toy; it was one his old nursemaid had given him before she was sent back to Dorne, and another when some of the older boys in the castle were mocking and teasing him about how he had been tripped and fallen into the mud. He was furious both times and nearly stomped over and socked the lot of them in the nose before he thought better of it.

He was sure there had been other times he had been angry but those were the only two instances that he could match to what he felt in this moment. He was livid, the feeling bubbled viciously in his stomach causing his whole body to become heated. How could his uncle, the man he had looked to as a father, keep this from him? How could he not tell him about his mother, he had only asked about her half a million times now. Now he finds out that she was closer than ever all along. Buried right underneath his feet.

How many times had his uncle brought him and Robb down there to light the candles, how many times had he passed her grave without acknowledging her, and how many times had asked about his family and only been met with silence. His small fists clenched tightly. Almost his entire life so far had been a lie, an outright lie. Why did his uncle keep this from him? What purpose did it serve?

He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt Rhae nudge him. The dragon let out a strangled chirp, reflecting his anxiety. He cleared his throat and looked up at his father's face. His father was staring back with unease, worried about his sudden silence. "I know this will be hard to get used to, that your feelings may be hard to express and that what you have just learned contradicts all that you thought you knew about yourself but please say something. Yell, scream, cry, anything."

The dragon's voice was soft and pleading. He sighs, his anger momentarily dissolved. "I... how could he have kept this from me? I don't understand." His anger returned as he continued to speak his mind. "For as long as I can remember I wondered about my mother. How could he not tell me, I know I'm young but I have every right to know! He has never once mentioned her to me, never once did anything to clue me in as to who she was no matter how many times I've asked! I just don't understand why... why would he not tell me?"

What he was most upset about was that his uncle had hidden who he was from him, who his mother was. But that also brought around the fact of who the other half of his family was. He had heard the stories, read the history books about the rebellion. So how could his uncle allow that man to rule after what happened in King's Landing. How could his honorable uncle just let go of the fact that his friend did nothing when his siblings and their mother were brutally murdered? When he was the rightful heir?

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