There are a number of problems with Clay Jensen

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Look, here's the problem with Clay Jensen. Wait, strike that. There are number of problems with Clay Jensen.
Sheriff: Oli, moments ago you told me you just went over there to talk to him.
Me: I mean, I did.
Sheriff: That's just talking?
He said playing video tapes from that day. There, Clay and I were standing in front of Bryce and Clay had a gun pointed at Bryce.
Me: It's not what it looks like.
Sheriff: What do you think it looks like?
Behind that nice guy surface, there's a whole bloody mess. And if you're a friend of his, you sometimes find yourself getting dragged into that mess along with him.
Me: I talked him down and we walked away.
Sheriff: What would've happened if you hadn't been there to talk him down?
Me: I don't think anything. I mean, Clay wasn't going to...If anything, he would've hurt himself. I was more worried about him than Bryce.
Sheriff: Do you think he was going there to kill Bryce?
Me: No. He was just angry...
Sheriff: Angry?
Me: It was the day we found out that Bryce was going to get away with everything.
Sheriff: But he didn't.
Me: yeah...he did.
Sheriff: what happened to the gun?
Me: I threw it out, behind some restaurant downtown. I really didn't want Clay to hurt try and hurt himself.
Sheriff: Or try to hurt Bryce again?
Me: No that night was the end of it.
It turned out there was a lot I didn't know.
The cops didn't let me go until Clays mom stormed in.
Mrs. Jensen: I'm taking them home.
Sheriff: You can't do that.
Mrs. Jensen: You're harassing them, and they are not consente.
Sheriff: Clay is 18.
Mrs. Jensen: And Oli is 17. We are leaving now.
She said before taking my arm and walking outside. Clay was just behind me.
As we walked inside their house, we all sat at the kitchen table.
Mrs. Jensen: Clay why didn't you call us right away?
Clay: I didn't want to worry you.
Mrs. Jensen: Well we are worried.
Mr. Jensen: Oli said you were brought in last week, too.
Clay: It was random. They were talking to a lot of kids.
Mrs. Jensen: So why would you agree to talk to them again without a lawyer when they clearly think you had something to do with this?
Clay: Because I don't have anything to do with it.
Mrs. Jensen: We're getting you a lawyer.
Me: Clay didn't do any-
Mr. Jensen: Okay, lets jus- Let's take a minute.
Mrs. Jensen: He had a gun in his hand, Matt.
Clay: Yeah, that was nothing.
Mrs. Jensen: Nothing? A gun is nothing? Where did you get it? Where is it now? Clay what the fuck were you thinking?
Clay: It doesn't matter, okay? I was upset and I borrowed the gun from a friend and gave it back.
Mrs. Jensen: What friend?
Mrs. Jensen: Oli do you know?
Clay: Leave her out of this.
Mrs. Jensen: Clay, you don't understand what's going on here.
Clay: I didn't do anything.
Mrs. Jensen: But the police think that you did.
Clay: yeah, but I didn't!
Mrs. Jensen: You know as well as I do the court system is not perfect and that innocence is not a perfect defence.
Clay: You don't believe me? You think I did something? I don't fucking believe this!
He said pushing his chair and getting up.
Me: Okay. Hey! Let's take a breath.
Clay: Dad, you believe me, right?
Mr. Jensen: Of course I do.
Mrs. Jensen: Clay we will handle this. We will love heaven and earth to keep you safe. But you need to tell us everything. No more lies.
Clay: I never lie!
Mrs. Jensen: You withheld.
Clay: You think... I could kill someone?
Mrs. Jensen: It doesn't matter what I think.
Clay: Yes it does!
He said before leaving. I knew what he was going to do. That's why I didn't run after him. He needed some time to cool off, just rip to Justin's room. Both his parents looked at me.
Me: He was a little out of his mind that night, but it was just that night. I drove him home. I talked him down. He was fine.
Mrs. Jensen: And the gun?
Me: He gave it back.
Mrs: Jensen: To?
I didn't answer. I didn't want to. So I looked down at my hands.
Mr. Jensen: When you say he was out of his mind, how do you mean that?
Me: It was that day. All the stuff Bryce said in court, he couldn't get Hannah out of his head.
Mr. Jensen: Like he couldn't stop thinking about her, he was hearing her in his head?
Me: Just that, he was thinking about her, a lot, I guess.
Mr. Jensen: Is Clay having his nightmares again?
I leaned back into my chair not really knowing how to answer that. Yeah he did, but it wasn't about Hannah.
Mrs. Jensen: Oli, we know that you care about Clay and you want tu keep his secrets, but the time for secrets has passed.
Me: I know, I just-..I was one of his secrets once.
I said looking into Mrs. Jensen's eyes. I saw how sad and frustrated she was. I got up and left to go see Clay. As I opened the door, I almost screamed.
Me: You're side looks like Justin's.
I said chuckling gently before sitting down next to him.
Clay: Did they talk to you about me?
Me: yeah, but I didn't say anything.
Clay: thanks.
Me: What did the police tell you?
Clay: They think Bryce and Ani....had a relationship. Had sex.
Me: What, like, he raped her or, like, they had a thing...which wouldn't surprise me.
I said whispering.
Clay: Either, I guess.
Me: What do you think?
Clay: She told me they never did...
Me: You believe her?
Clay: I don't know?
We stayed in silence for awhile before going to school. As we were sitting in Clays car, he started doubting even going.
Clay: How can I go in there? Everyone thinks I'm a murderer.
Me: Shall we just skip or something?
Clay: That seems like not a good idea, right?
Me: You know, you just gotta walk back in there like you know the truth and just fuck everybody else.
Me: It's the inky way to walk back in there.
He chuckled softly. And we both walked back inside. I went to some classes and as I was walking for my second period Ani stopped me. Fuck. She started asking at what time he came home since she knew I was with him before leaving.
Me: He came home at like 1:30z
Ani: Where was he before that, do you know? Any ideas?
Me: He wasn't killing Bryce.
Ani: How do you know?
Me: Because that's not who he is.
Ani: But he's the guy that brings a gun to Bryce's house? The guy you have to talk out of using it.
I didn't a full spin and faced her.
Me: One night. He was that guy one night.
Me: The rest of the time, he's the guy that'd save your life if it needs saving.
Ani: One night he was that guy, he could've been once more.
Me: Do you really think he could do it? Do you believe that? Or are you trying to do anything to deflect the fact that you fucked Bryce?
Ani: What? I'm sorry, what gives you the idea that I- -
Me: I don't have secrets with Clay. Do you?
Ani: If he wasn't with you that night, then where were you?
Me: You know what Ani? Fuck off.
I said walking away. I took a deep breath because I was about to turn around and go punch her in the face. I walked into football practice, I saw all the guys started humping the lockers. What's going on?
Charlie: I am so proud of you. I mean Oli is one scary girl....but she's so hot.
Me: Yeah no shit.
I said laughing while every dude started jumping on Monty.
Monty: Okay fuckers calm down.
Me: I'll show you how do calm down...daddy.
I whispered in his ear while he bite his finger.
Zach: Okay, I'm breaking this up.
He said separating us cause Monty started getting touchy. I laughed and got ready for practice.

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