Chapter 1

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Nicki POV
Come on now y'all being slow you know we got night duty

Megan: I don't understand why we got to do it we got school that would of been the perfect excuse to get off

Lauren: you know dang well we don't need that much sleep they would of looked at us stupid

Megan: well at least I'm trying I don't hear you coming up with anything

Lauren : Yea but use your brain for once

Megan : hold on are you calling me stupid

Lauren : if the shoe fits

Hey hey enough both of y'all asses are dumb now come on we got a job to do

Megan : she must be talking to you cause I'm the one with a high gpa

Lauren: but do you guys know that it's about our turn to find our mates . A full moon gonna be out and we gonna find our mate .

Megan : I just hope I get a good one what about you nick

I just want someone that's fit to rule with me. But you know the moon goddess don't make no mistakes so it is what it is .
Nicki hears rustling in the bushes .

I hear something let's go check it out
As they get closer they see it is a guy and he was the smell of a vampire.

What are you doing in our property vamp

Seth : if you must know I am on a search for someone that is a trader . So if you let me continue my search

Megan : I'm afraid your search is over so turn around

Seth: well it looks like I'm have to do it the hard way
All of a sudden Seth swings at Megan and miss and Lauren kicks him in the stomach and it knocks him to the ground but he jumps back up and toss Lauren to the side . Nicki ends up digging her claw in his shoulder and he screams in pain .

I told you get off of our land and give this warnings to all if your little friends
Seth walks off limping

Come on let's find her our aroundd

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