Chapter 2

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I thank Whirlpool24 of DeviantArt for helping me. The song is "You are Loved (Don't give up)" by Josh Groban.

"Elias! I mean King. Me again." Aaron said and brought the woman that hit him with her horse earlier forward. "May I present Princess Hanna of the Southern Isles."

"Your majesty, " Hanna curtsied to him.

As Elias bowed to her, Adeline eyed Hanna. There was something in her eyes that didn't seem right to her.

"We would like," Aaron and Hanna said at the same time.

"Your blessing," Hanna grinned.

"Of...our marriage," They finished together and hugged one another.

"Marriage?" Elias repeated in disbelief.

"What?" Adeline questioned.

"Yes," Aaron said in excitement.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused," Elias said to them so they would explain.

"Well we haven't worked out all the details yet," Aaron said as he let go of her, "We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. Of course we'll have soup, roast and ice cream. And then... oh wait would we live here?"

"Here?" Elias exclaimed.

"Absolutely," Hanna said to Aaron.

"Aaron," Elias started to say.

"Oh, we can invite all twelve of your sisters to come stay with us," Aaron suggested as he held her hands in his.

"What?! No no no no no," Elias exclaimed but his protest started to fall on deaf ears.

"Of course we have the room. I don't know, some of them must," Aaron started to say until Elias put his hand on his shoulder.

"Just wait a second. No one sisters are staying here. No one is getting married," Elias said to him.

"Wait what?" Aaron looked at him in surprise.

"What's going on," Rapunzel asked in confusion as she came over with Eugene.

"Aaron just asked Elias' blessing to be married to a woman he just met today," Adeline explained to them and pointed to Hanna.

"What?!" The both of them exclaimed.

"May I talk to you a moment," Elias asked Aaron. "Alone?"

"No," Aaron said and stood back from him to put his arm around Hanna, "Whatever you have to say. You can say it to both of us."

"Fine. You can't marry someone you just met," Elias firmly said.

"Yeah he's right buddy," Eugene said to him, "Trust me, it doesn't work that way. If it did, Rapunzel and I would have already been married. Even if she did hit me with a frying pan."

"Well you can if it's true love, Eugene," Aaron stubbornly said to him.

"Aaron what do you know about true love?" Elias asked him.

"More than you. All you know how to do is shut people out," Aaron said as he glared at him.

"Aaron! Now that was over the line," Rapunzel said to him as she saw that comment hurt Elias.

"You asked me for my blessing and my answer is no," Elias frowned at him and walked past him, "Now if you'll excuse me."

"Your highness if I may-" Hanna started to say.

"No, you may not. I think this was all a mistake," Elias cut her off and then clinched his hands, "The party is over. Close the gates. Rapunzel, you, Eugene and Adeline can stay the night and then tomorrow you will go back to your kingdom with the other delegates."

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