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(PB- Mr.Pickle Bottom) was going to go pick up some cream for her coffee, so she was heading to the Pickle Town Market, so she was in a hurry, going a bit past the Pickle Speed Limit, she got in the parking lot, she ran into the door, and she ran to the Pickle Dairy Section, she saw this very handsome pickle.

She walked over to him and asked him PB- "Do you have any idea where the creamer is?" *she knew where it was she just had to start a conversation with him, get to know him.

He said B-"There just over here mam."

She reacher up and grabbed a carton of creamer for her coffee, she whispered PB-"I'd mix you with my coffee any day;)"

He looked at her and whispered

B-"what's your number gorgeous?" PB-"250-666-5552"

PB-"What's your name?"


PB-Mr.Billy eh?"

B-"no. Just Billy."

PB-"Text me tonight, just Billy;)"

B-*lays a kiss on her cheek"

Billy will soon find out Mr.Pickle Bottoms secret, soon.

Mrs.Pickle BottomWhere stories live. Discover now