Chapter. 3

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Glenn see's Billy sitting there being all sexy, she walks in, orders a pumpkin spice latte and sits down.

PB- " Sorry I'm late, Billy."

B-"Don't sweat it!, you look amazing!! Beauty takes time, I get it!"

PB-"Aweh, thank you so much B:)"

B-"So what do you do for work?"

"PUMKIN SPICE LATTE" Yells the worker at Pickled Caffe.

PB-"Oh, one sec."

B-"Oh, alright.."

PB-"ugh sorry about that, so what were we talking about again?"

B-"What do you do for a job?"

PB-"Ummmm, well I work at Spliced Pickle Strip Club......"


PB-"Yea, but I am NOT a whore..."

B-"hahah oh no, I wouldn't think so! Your just a stripper, good money right?"

PB- * I've never actually told someone and they actually cared... They usually call me a Slut, or a Whore, ect... Wow I think I really like this man* "Yea yea, great pay love the girls I work with, Susie is my favorite, we are both really good at giving lap dances if know you.. Your ever feeling in the mood.."

B-"Hahah, what are you doing tonight baby?"

PB- "I'm shutting down tonight, I am doing shift 6-7."

B- "Wanna come over after, if you wanna just you know come by.."

PB- "okay yea sure, call me around 7:30 I will buy some new lingerie;)"

B- "Okay sounds great, have fun closing tonight."

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