Chapter 1

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Riana just returned from a hike when her phone pinged. It was from Parker.

"Hi, Parker. What's up?"

"I have some exciting news to tell, just wait a minute, I'll put it on conference".

Riana took a water bottle from the counter and went to the living room and fell on the sofa. She heard many hellos as the call connected.

Parker started," Hi girls. Just wanted to tell I'm walking the fashion show in Korea!!!". It was followed by a lot of congratulations. Then, she asked them, "Do  you'll want to come?"

Just then, the call disconnected. Riana picked up the phone to call her back when a message pinged. It was their group chat, Girlies. Parker messaged them that there was a network problem and asked them to message her. She also added that she was busy. Melanie messaged,

Sorry, Parker. I have a lot of shows booked and I'm busy. Maybe another time.

Melanie was a talk show host and the winner of Miss India. She was very popular on social media and headlined the news frequently.  Riana texted back,

I'm in. Korea has a killer adventure trail. Text me the dates. I'll plan the itinerary. But Bali is the dream.

Riana was an adventure seeker. She loved hiking, trekking, adventure sports, fitness and anything pretty much related to these things. She loved travelling too. She had a YouTube channel and had many followers. Many.

Just then, Nikki also messaged,

I'm coming too. Parker, do you think we could we meet BTS when we are there, Suga and Jimin? They are doing a concert there in about two weeks. I'll check when they are doing a fan meet. I'm so excited!!!

Riana who was also online typed back,

Awesome, text me the dates as soon as you get this. I needed a vacation for so long. Plus, we get to hang out. This is going to be so fun. Any suggestions for places we can stay?

Nikki replied immediately,

Something not too pricey. Because I need to have money to do shopping!!. Also somewhere near the concert! Ok got to go, bye. Text you'll after 20 mins after I check it with my parents.

Riana replied,

Oh, that's important too. Be back in 20 mins.

Nikki was the best-selling author of the book 'Fernweh'. She got worldwide acclaim for the book. She was also a great poet and an orator.

After about twenty minutes, all their cell phones pinged with a message from Parker.

@Riana Don't worry about the accommodations, the company's sponsoring for two suites. We'll be there for four days and then I'm free for about a month. We'll be leaving on the  5th of May.

@Niki that's awesome. We have to go see them!!!!

I have this crazy idea now. What if we go on a tour to about three countries? One for each one of us? The accommodations are not a problem. It's my treat.

Melanie was returning from her shoot when her phone brightened up with the messages in their group chat. She regretted saying she couldn't come. It was hectic with all the photoshoots, the talk shows. She needed a break too. The icing on the cake, Parker was sponsoring.  Riana had just texted that she wanted to go to Bali.

Parker was a fashion icon and she always wanted to walk down a runway, She was world-famous and she had fans all over for her fashion line, 'Pretty Things'.

Melanie texted in the group,

I've cancelled the shows cause I need a break. So, I want to go to Switzerland.

Nikki just came back online and she couldn't help but reply,

@Melanie Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with Parker sponsoring ;-)

I want to go to Australia. A beautiful place!

Parker typed back,

So it's decided. First  South Korea, Bali, Australia and Switzerland.

At that moment, everyone was online and it was about to be one of the most important moments of their life cause that journey changed their lives.

FernwehOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora