Chapter 5

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Matt was right. Why was Matt always fucking right! It was Friday and as Jess scanned the carriage Charlie was nowhere to be found as she hadn't been since Wednesday morning. The same Wednesday morning she had decided once and for all she would ask Charlie out. Fuck. As Jess rode the train downtown her mind whirls with questions as it had all week. At first she had convinced herself that maybe Charlie was just sick or late but as the days dragged on she was more and more convinced she has missed her chance and Matt was right there was nothing she could do about it. Even worse was that she had the whole weekend to wonder if Charlie would be back in Monday. Possibly back from holiday she thought to herself. Trying desperately to make herself feel better. But who was she kidding her shot with the gorgeous girl from the train was gone l. She blew it.

It was 1pm as Jess stepped into the elevator and rode the short journey two floors up to Carrie's office. She knew she should probably take the stairs but she was wasn't feeling like it today. She was deflated about Charlie and more than a little stressed about the upcoming event next Friday.

She exited the elevator and made the short walk up to Carrie's office to join her for lunch which was there usual Friday routine. An opportunity to catch up on business and personal lives before the weekend. As she headed through the open door she saw that Carrie was on the phone. Carrier rolled her eyes before gesturing for Jess to sit on one of the large leather sofas jn the middle of Carrie's office. The perks of being the boss she thought to herself. Her office was basically a cubical with walls. Not that she was complaining. When she had got the promotion to account manager she had been relieved that all the hard work had paid off. She had started out at the bottom not wanting to trade off the family name but earn her stripes on merit alone. Sure being cousin to the boss has helped. Carrie had always guided Jess, wanting her to succeed but it was important for Jess that her colleges saw her talent and not just the surname.
"Sorry" said Carrie finally "That was Westman wanting to finalise things before the weekend. I think you will be getting another email after lunch. Sorry"
"It's OK. It wouldn't be right to have at least 3 emails a day from them at the moment."
"Still. I am impressed with how you have handled this Jess. It's your first account and so far you have handed it like a pro. Not that I every had any doubts."
"Thanks Carrie. That means alot" Jess knew her tone was deflated and saw that Carrie had noticed. Carrie walk out from behind her desk carrying her salad box and took her usual place on the opposite sofa. "What's up kid?"
"I haven't seen that Charlie girl from the train since Tuesday. I know its stupid but I really likes her Carrie. She was gorgeous and her smile was killer. I know I didn't know her but I just got the sense that she was smart and funny and worth getting to know. I'm just pissed off I blew it."
"I'm sorry Jess. No idea where she has gone?"
"Nope. Matt was right. I don't have her number or work address or anything. She's gone."
"You never know. She might turn up again. Maybe she is on holiday or something?"
"I thought that too. Theres a chance but I don't know" Jess signed heavily while eating her salad. " best to put her out of my head"
"Well at least next time you see someone you like you wont hang around to ask her out"
"Now aint that the truth" Jess smiled pointing at Carrie with her salad fork.
"What about Amy are you still seeing her?" Asked Carrie
Amy was The last girl Jess dated. They worked together at the firm. Most businesses looked down on relationships between staff because of issues in the passed. However as Carrie had met her girlfriend, Sam at work Carrie had a different attitude and as long as the relationship was open and you filled out a form with legal it was fine. Amy and Jess had been dating for a couple of months bit had been great but the spark had faded for Jess and she ended. Amy hadn't really got the  message and would continue to flirt and hook up with Jess whenever she got the chance. Jess had even given in a few times. She knew she shouldn't and it was blurring the line but she was only 26. She was aloud a bit of fun.
"Probably shouldn't" she said finally to answer Carrie's question "too much baggage and history."
"Fair enough. I get it. Hey, fancy coming out with Sam and I on Saturday night. We were going to check out that new lesbian bar in Chelsea. Could be fun?"
"You sure I wont be a third wheel?" Jess asked knowing Carrie's answer. Sam and Carrie had met three year previous when Sam had worked for Carrie. Their relationship had been turbulent to start but now they were madly in love and Jess loved to see her cousin light up every time she mentioned her girlfriends name.
"You wont be a third wheel. Besides you know Sam hates to dance so I need you as my dance partner. Plus I am sure there will be some cute girls there to take your mind off this Charlie. I can be your wingman" carrie said happily. Clearly excited at the prospect of a night out and a little match making.
"Living vicariously through your little cousin are you" Jess ask playfully
"What me?" Carrie scoft holding her heart in playful jest "I just want to see you happy. Besides I get to play cupid, chat innocently to some cute women and then take a gorgeous one, that I also love madly, home with me at the end of the night. It sounds a perfect night"
"And have your wicked was with her when you get home, you forgot that park" smiled Jess
"Your right I did home for amazing sex with a the woman I love" Carrie smiled and winked at her cousin
"Your glow makes me sick" Jess teased.
"I know and I don't care. I am happy and on Saturday we will find a woman to make you just as happy, deal?" Asked Carrie her hand bow held out across the table for Jess to shake."
"Sure, why not" Jess smiles shaking her cousins hand. Why the hell not!

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