{Eternal Light}

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After that day, Mikasa hardly spoke to anyone at school. She would answer the occasional question the teachers orally handed her, but that was it. She would sit on her own, not touching the lunch bag of which Eren handed her.

Mikasa went back to Eren's house - ending the lease on her apartment -, although she locked herself in her bedroom, never really coming down for anything. Onerously, she attended the mandatory therapy sessions, however that helped absolutely nothing.

Between lessons and sometimes during them, Mikasa would write in a small notebook she never let anyone see, she frantically scribbled on the paper, as if she were about to be shot down any moment and wanted to get her last few words down.

Many feared her, and those who didn't sprouted rumors about her that anyone with more than two brain cells would not believe. Mikasa didn't deny nor confirm these lies, in fact she didn't do anything much.

"Hey, Mikasa..." Sasha slid herself on the bench Mikasa was currently occupying. As per usual, Mikasa had her nose in a book, not paying attention to anything around her. As soon as Sasha appeared though, she snapped out of it, scowling at the floor. Mikasa held her book close to her chest, leaning over slightly in order to pick up her bag. Sasha grabbed her shoulder, pulling her into her previous position.


"You... You've been super distant lately, and I was thinking... maybe we could-"

"No thank you."

"You... don't even know what I was gonna say." Sasha let her hand fall away from Mikasa's shoulder, the latter watched the former with an unimpressed glare, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"You were going to invite me somewhere. I don't want anything to do with you. Any of you." Mikasa stood, wrapping her book close to her chest, squeezing her fingers around the cover.

"What--what did I do wrong?!" Sasha blurted out, launching herself to her feet, drawing her eyebrows together and biting her lip. Only to revive a look that was not phased at all. "Why do you suddenly hate me?!" Mikasa simply blinked, watching the girl trying to hold back tears. "Whatever I did... please let me try and fix it. Please just come with me tonight." Sasha watched the ground, fists clenched by her sides, only able to see Mikasa's shoes.

Mikasa moved slightly so that she was fully facing Sasha, she seemed to sigh while doing so.

"Why, even after I have been awful to you, are you still involving yourself with me?"

"Because... because I know this isn't you."

"Maybe it isn't anymore. I don't even know." Sasha lifted her head slightly.


"For your own safety, you should just forget about me."

"I-I can't. Please Mikasa, if I still make you angry after tonight, then I won't ever talk to you again... please just give me this."

"...fine, I have nothing to loose."

"Uh, so, what do ya wanna do? I just wanna make sure we do something you'd like."

"I don't care."

"How about... we go get slushies, like our first date?" Sasha watched Mikasa hopefully, however Mikasa's expression was set in place.



As Sasha drove, she leaned out of the window, talking in the sights, smelling the clean river air, watching the world fly by in nervous anticipation. Mikasa had insisted that she would walk to their agreed meet up spot.

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