Chapter 1 - Is it Him?

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*4 years ago*

'Lewi, please don't go!'
'Hannah, I have to! I have no choice! And besides, long distant relationships just don't work.' He eyes filled with tears.
'We'll have to make it work! We can text, call. We can FaceTime lewi, can't we?' He pulled me into a tight hug.
'I wish it was that simple.' He kissed my forehead.
'It can be that simple! I promise. Oh lewi please don't go!' Tears flowed down my face and I couldn't stop them. I looked at lewi. Eyes red raw from crying all night. Neither of us got any sleep last night. We wanted to spend our last moments talking, cuddling and just looking into each other's eyes. Oh his eyes! I wouldn't be waking up to those gorgeous blue eyes anymore. I broke down into tears once more.
'Hannah, I would do anything for us to be together you know that right?' I nodded into his chest. 'Good. I promise whenever I get a chance, I will visit you. Just make sure you don't move!' I smiled half heartedly. We walked to the door.
'Goodbye lewi.' Tears streamed down our faces.
'I love you Wilko.' My heart melted.
'I love you too.' We kissed one last time and lewi left. I was now alone in our apartment. I cried for the rest of the evening until I woke up two days later surrounded by tissues and tear stained pillows and sheets of the bed lewi and I share, I mean, the bed we shared.

*present day: 4 years later*


07:18 am. Why does school have to start so early? Dragging myself out of bed I hopped in the shower. Some people take extremely long showers but then there's people like me who are in and out in ten minutes max. That's why I don't wake up until just past seven. After drying my hair I curled and styled it and applied my makeup. I put my clothes on, grabbed money, keys and my bag and walked out my apartment locking it behind me. I loved my apartment. I had been living in it for six years now and I don't want to leave, not yet anyway. I had so many memories in this place...

I walked to my car and drive to Eastbrooke Primary where I worked. Today was Thursday so two more days and it would be the weekend! I arrived at the school around half past eight and planned today's lessons. I loved my job! I teach 9-10 year olds basic stuff they need to know ready for high school.
The bell rang at nine o clock and the classroom filled up with children. Mr Edwards, the head teacher, walked over to me.
'Miss Wilkin?'
'Yes Mr Edwards?'
'This is you new student Macy.'
'Hello Macy, I'm Miss Wilkin your teacher!'
'Hi.' She was a pretty girl with gorgeous long blonde hair and freckles.
'Eleanor, this is Macy. Can she sit with you today and play with you at break and lunch time?'
'Yes of course!' She took her hand and walked her over to the desk. They chatted quietly.
'Her brother will be picking her up at the end of the day.'
'Thankyou Mr Edwards!' After he left, I started the lesson.
'Ok guys can we settle down now please. Robert get off the table!' The room fell silent.
'Right,' I sat down at my desk. 'let's take the register then.' I had a full house today. 28 students were present.
'Todays lessons are going to be maths, English, science, history and art!'
'Art! Yes!' The whole class chorused.
'Ok, take out your maths books please! Macy, here's your maths book.'
'Thankyou!' She was a lovely girl!

The day flew by and at the end of the day the children's parents and guardians came to collect them. Macy was the last one left.
'I think my brother has forgot about me Miss Wilkin.'
'I don't think he would do that!' We giggled.
'While your waiting, do you want to help me with a display board? We are going to put up all the art work we did today!'
'I would love to!'
Macy helped me set up the display board. She helped put up all the art the class did today. The wall looked so colourful! Macy went to the toilet whilst I cleaned up.
'Excuse me, is this Miss Wilkin's class?'
I turned around to see a tall man standing at the door. He had blonde hair which was covered by a SnapBack. He wore black skinny jeans and a white t shirt with a black leather jacket. He had a backpack on his back and white high top Nike shoes.
'Yes it is. Are you Macy's brother?'
'Yes I am. Where is she?'
'She's just in the toilet, I'll go check on her.'
I walked over to the toilet and checked up on her, 'Macy, are you ok sweetheart?'
'Yes thankyou.'
'Ok good, your brothers here.'
I walked back over to her brother.
'She's almost ready-'
'Hey princess! Did you have a good first day?'
'Yes! Miss Wilkin is very nice. Can I come back tomorrow?' She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
I laughed, 'Of course you can! We're having a film day tomorrow!'
'Thankyou very much!'
'My pleasure.'
'Ill try to be on time tomorrow!' Macy and her brother walked out the room and I sat down in my chair with my head in my hands.
'Sorry, er. Macy forgot her bag.' His head appeared around the door.
'Oh erm. Yes it here.' I walked over to him and gave him Macy's bag.
'Thanks. I'm lewi by the way.'
'I'm Hannah.'
'Its nice to meet you.' His voice dragged and we stared at each other awkwardly for a few seconds.
'Well erm. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.'
'Er, yeah. Thankyou.' And he walked out the door holding his little sisters hand.
I saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes when I said my name. Could it really be him?


Why does she look so familiar? Blonde curly hair and freckles. And her name, Hannah Wilkin, why couldn't I remember anything?

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