Chapter 10 - Lewi's Surprise

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'Wilko. Wilko, wake up! Han come on!'
'Five more minutes.'
'You can't, we're here!' I opened my eyes wide and saw I was on a plane. Oh yeah! Lewi had a surprise!
'Right Lew, tell me where we are!'
'No! You'll see when you get outside.' He laughed and helped me off the plane. I really wanted to know!
We walked off the plane and headed to get our luggage.
'Wow it's hot.'
'Why do you think I gave you those clothes to wear?' He smacked my bum and winked.
We eventually got our luggage and we were soon on our way out the airport in-
'Hawaii?!' It can't be.
'Hawaii!' It is.
'Lewi! I-I... n-no way!'
'Yes way! Come on. Our taxi's here.'
Lewi took me to Hawaii. Lewi took me to Hawaii!
'Guess what part of Hawaii we're in?'
'Oahu! I remember that!' I pointed to the chicken statue on the roundabout.
'How do you remember that? It's been almost five years since we visited!'
'I have no idea but I remember it!' I was overly happy and it was showing.
'Han! Calm down.' He kissed my forehead. 'We have one whole week to do whatever we want and I know what I want to do!' He winked and kissed me for a while.
'You do?'
'I. Do.' He kissed me again.

We arrived at the hotel. The same hotel as last time. It still had all the display cabinets and I was mesmerised!
'One thing Wilko, one thing.' I turned around and smiled at Lewi.
'You do spoil me.'
'I try.' He winked and turned around to check in. I was looking for the one thing I-
'Aha! Found you!' I whispered to the royal blue Prada bag sitting in front of me.
'Are you looking at the Prada bag?' I turned around to see a girl about 15 years old with long, straight black hair. She looked so familiar.
'Yeah I am. It's gorgeous isn't it?'
'I know! I really want it!'
'Same. I think I might be getting it.'
'Is your boyfriend buying it for you?'
'Well, he said I could have one thing so I'm asking him for this. The rest I'll pay for myself!'
'Your so lucky you know. Having a boyfriend that will do anything for you.'
I just smiled at her. There's two types of teenagers in this world. The type that will go out and drink until there brains turn to mush and then there's the type that actually care about their future. I can tell this girl cares. But it was still annoying me that I couldn't figure out who she was!
'You look extremely familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?'
'I'm Olivia Green, Miss Wilkin.'
'Oh my god! Look at you! You've grown up so much Liv!' She pulled me into a hug, aw.
'Haha, it's nice to see you Miss Wilkin!' Olivia was a student I taught four years ago. Wow, everything seemed to happen four years ago. Anyway, I know I'm not supposed to have favourites but she was my favourite student. She would always behave, she never had an attitude. She would actually revise for tests we had and she had high ambitions. She wanted to be a CSI Agent.
'Do you still want to become a CSI?' At that moment her mum walked over.
'Yes she does! She working part time at the local police station!'
'Wow that's amazing! Congrats-'
'Wilko, come on.'
'Hold on Lewi, this is Olivia. Olivia Green.'
'Oh yeah. I remember you talking about her.' Olivia blushed. 'It's nice to meet you. I'm Lewi.' He put out his hand and Olivia shook it.
'Well, it's been nice catching up with you Liv.'
'And you! I hope you get the bag!'
And she waved goodbye.
'There's a bag you want?'
'Well, yeah. This one here.' I pointed to the Prada bag.
'How much?'
'$285. Is that too much?'
'That's about £200 right?' I nodded.
'Ok, you can have it!'
'Really?! Thankyou Lewi!' I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.
Lewi bought the bag and we were soon on our way out to dinner. I wore a white fitted dress with my Christian Louboutins and of course, my new Prada bag. After dinner, we walked around the streets of Oahu. I looked up to the sky to see fireworks in all different colours. The streets were lit up with sparklers and those little torches the children were running around with. I saw one family walking down the street. The parents were either side of the child holding his hands. They were all smiling and laughing. I smiled as they walked past. Lewi must have caught me.
'One day, I promise.' He took my hand and we walked back to the hotel.


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