Chapter 29 - tour life

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I LOVE touring! This is our first tour and its world wide! Iona, Niyati, Lily and the twins have come along as well and the twins are actually behaving!
Whilst we're doing sound check, the girls and the kids go out sight seeing or shopping and then they come back to watch our shows. Tonight was the final show of our tour. I can't believe we've toured for a whole year! It's insane!
'Right,' Jake said. 'This is the last show of the broken heart tour.' There was a few 'aw's and 'oh'a from the audience.
'We've decided to bring on seven special guests! Seven special guests!' He repeated into the mic. The crowd was screaming and I looked over to Hannah and she smiled.
'Please welcome my gorgeous wife Iona!' Jake said. The crowd cheered and Iona ran into the stage over to Jake.
'Please welcome on my gorgeous girlfriend, Niyati!' Danny said. Niyati ran over to Dan.
Now it was my turn.
'Please welcome onto the stage the two girls in my life, my girlfriend Hannah and my daughter Mac!' They both ran onto the stage. Macs at on my lap and Hannah stood behind me with her hand in my shoulder.
'Please welcome Lily and my beautiful twins, James and Jasmine!' Charley said.
The crowd was cheering and clapping at this point. There was a few phones up in the air and I figured they had recorded the whole thing.
'To end our first ever tour, we are going to sing Me and My Broken Heart!' Jake shouted and he started singing. The crowd joined in as well as everyone on stage.
The song ended and Jake started talking to the crowd.
'Do you guys want a meet and greet?' He asked and claps and cheers could be heard throughout the arena.
'How about a meet and greet with the Rixton family as well?' The crowd was louder than ever.
'Ok Manchester! Hope you enjoyed the show! Make your way outside!' He shouted and we all ran off stage.


Meet and greets are amazing! I've never taken so many pictures in my lifetime! I had pictures taken on my own, with Mac and Lewi and also loads with the boys altogether or the Rixton family as Jake says!
Their fans are so nice and I chatted to so many of them until I was told I had to go. Mac told me she had made a few new 'internet' friends which I thought was really sweet. At the end of the night when all the excitement was gone, I just couldn't wait to climb into bed and fall asleep. All eleven of us stayed over at mine and Lewi's house. We slept for about two days straight because of weariness.
Us adults woke up two days later to the smell of pancakes.
We found Mac and the twins cooking us breakfast in the kitchen. Mac has definitely inherited her dad's cooking skills!

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