Chapter 3

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Cody is hurt. He is disappointed that after all he has done, they still rejected him. Although he did he say that it was okay for them to hangout together, but the truth is, not really. Cody wasn't kidding when he told Seb and Sammy that he changed. He was a nasty teenager, we all know that. However, he wasn't evil! He loved pulling pranks on them : that's how he showed affection. But, they didn't seem to know that. At least, Seb forgave him, even though he still feels a little coldness when he speaks to them. Was he really that bad? There he is, lying lazily on his Van Gogh sheets, ruminating those thoughts, being angry at himself. They are his family after all. Yes, family fight, but they also forgive. Why can't they forgive him?

His eyelids were about to collide when suddenly, there was a loud thud at the front door. Cody got off of his velcro sheets, and he slowly crept carefully out of his room. Through the window, three sims were standing at the front door. Two guys and a girl. The first guy was the mayor of the town. He was wearing a fedora and had a slight beard. The other guy had an grey updo. And the girl had blonde shoulder length hair with a pink sweater and flower tight pants. And something was totally not right with them.

They were... weird. Their eyes were bigger than their actual face and they had a smile, that smile looked painful to maintain. The only sound that came out of their mouth were confused mumbles. The teenager has never met them, but he knew that they weren't themselves. It was like they were controlled by some unknown force. It seemed like they somehow forgot how to walk. Either they run with their head springing freely or they prance same-leg-same-arm style.

Cody gasped at the sight of those crazy sims. The bizarre plants around his house were starting to glow in a purplish halo. "Oh shoot! Lock the doors, quick!" The effort of locking the door was completely vain, as the crazy sims entered the garage door. Oh no.

The green eyed teenager ran inside the main house to find a weapon. He searched frantically before he could hear the door house pry open.

"H-hello?" Cody said with a weak voice"



Sims would usually run away from them. But Cody was brave enough to approach them. However, the only response that he got was "BLEEHH". He then tried everything : shake them, slap them, but nothing worked.

As the possessed sims roamed freely (and loudly) around the house, Cody sat down on the couch, getting his act together. What happened to them? What is going on with this town? Is there a secret that he has to uncover. A part of him told him he shouldn't, but some voice inside of him, that curious and nerdy side of him, was crying to solve that mystery. He started concocting a plan, a plan to figure out what has happened to these poor civilians.

"Alright there is one solution." He still had the listening bugs when he was tinkering with all the electronics. He planted one on each of the victims and tried again to slap them out of their trance.




And other incoherent rambling that Cody had to listen to before they leave.

Phew, that was a close one. At least nothing changed in the house.

Well except that their fridge was now filled with glowing apples. But Cody doesn't know that.

Knock knock.

"Please tell me that this isn't them again." Cody cried before opening the front door. It was a police agent. At least she looked normal. She was wearing all black and sunglasses.

"Can I help you?"

"Were there crazy possessed people that entered your property." The woman had the most monotonous voice ever. Cody could have sworn one of the robots he built in middle school had a more colourful voice than her.

"How do you know?"

"Answer the question"

"Yes, I let them go away on their own"

"Good. Let us know if there are more strange stuff that happens. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Also, don't investigate the secret lab." The woman said before leaving in her car.

Wha- Secret Lab???

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