Tough decisions: chapter thirty six

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"Sh!" Rose hissed to the seven people following her.

Sean and Clementine quickly quieted, as did Madison and Jordan, as well as Kate and Kyle. Laena rolled her eyes. If Rose wasn't trying so very, very hard to stay out of her head she was sure that the girl would be saying something like they're so unproffessional. They're going to get us killed.

"Did you here that?" Rose heard a teenage girl's voice ask. From how clear the voices were, the bounty hunter was close.

"I don't know. I definitely heard something." A new voice.

Rose motioned to her group to be silent but ready to attack. Jordan and Clementine tightened their grip on their swords, the other three werewolves looked ready to turn at any moment, Madison held her axe tightly, and Laena held her gun in her hands. Rose just held tight to her angel blade.

They emerged into a clearing, in the middle of it stood two teenage girls. One was a taller Asian with a shaved head, and he other one looked a few years younger, black, her hair longer than Rose's. The two girls immediately turned around, both holding guns resembling Laena's.

"Are you the bounty hunters that attacked two twins, a ten year old, and a seven year old?" Rose asked the two calmly.

The two girls exchanged a quick glance than darted into the woods.

"Sean, Kyle, Kate, you two circle in on the right." Rose as happy giving orders again. This was what she was meant to do. "Madison and Jordan, you two do the same on the left. Clementine, you come with us. Detain but do not kill."

The three werewolves turned mid-run as they sprinted into the woods after the two girls. Madison and Jordan ran on the other side at a very slightly slower pace.

"What are we doing?" Clementine asked. "Why aren't we following too?"

"Because they'll catch them before we do." Rose answered. "They'll probably be injured. I honestly couldn't care less if Madison took one of their pinkies or something. But they'll bring them back here. We're only armed in case these two are actually dangerous, which they are not."

"Why don't we just let them kill those two?" Clementine asked.

"Because Rose gives everyone a second chance." Laena explained. "I don't understand why, and she's not always nice about it, but she does. She's going to talk to those two and see if they're worth killing."

"It still seems like it would be a lot simpler to just kill them." Clementine grumbled.

Rose opened her mouth to argue her side when two shrill screams cut through the air.

Rose smiled. "Whatch this." She said quietly. "Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two," When she got to one, seven figures appeared out of the woods. Human Kyle and Kate were holding the asian one as Sean circled them. Madison and Jordan were both hauling the african-american girl whose foot was bleeding badly from what looked like an axe wound.

Rose crossed her arms. "Names?" She asked.

The african girl glared at her through a quickly swelling eye. "No."

"Their names are Arna and Lanara." Madison answered, shoving Arna into the dirt with a look of disgust.

"How did you know that?" Kate asked. Behind her Sean shifted back, looking very suspicious.

"They used to be our friends." Jordan explained. "Back in Nevada at the mental institution. Lanara has trichotillomania, Arna has paranoid schizophrenia."

"Jordan?" Lanara asked, the asian girl turning to the two vamps. "Madison? Are you too actually here?"

"Sadly." Madison grumbled.

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