Reprogram: Chapter Forty Seven

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A/N: Warning: This chapter gets a bit gross. Proceed with caution if you're squeemish around blood, gore, or torture.

Picture credit: writeitforthefandom

Fifteen year old Melody Turner thrashed against the restraints as the hundreth shock hit her through the metal rods that were driven into her skull, the ones that had to be turned constantly so that she didn't heal around them.

"What is your name?" The red head who had taken her from her home in the middle of the night asked her coldly. Behind her sat the blond british boy with the electrical panel that administered the shocks sitting in his lap. Behind Melody was the brown-haired doctor, Bethany.

"Melody Brooke Turner."


Another horribly painful shock.

"What is your name?"

"Melody Turner!" She willed fire to her hands, and her palms burst into flame as she tried to escape again. But a bucket of water was instantly poured on her hands by Bethany, extinguishing the flames.

A shot of something that looked like black blood, administered by the doctor, and another electrical shock.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Melody Turner."

What felt like years of repetitions followed.

Through her haze of pain, she registered Delilah asking her the question again. She dug in her head.

She couldn't find the answer.

She didn't know her name.

"I don't know." She said quietly.

"Your name is Laena Tanner." Delilah told her, smiling smuggly. "Can you repeat that five times for me?"

She nodded. "My name is Laena Tanner. Laena Tanner. Laena Tanner. Laena Tanner. Laena Tanner."

Delilah smiled. "Good. Now, who is this?" She held up a picture of a dark and unruly haired, dark haired man in his late thirties or early forties, with a previously broken nose.

"That's my father." Laena answered.

A shock hit her head so hard it made her vision go white.

"Who is the man?" Delilah asked again.

"My dad."

A second shock.

"Who is the man, Laena?"

Laena's vision was turned red and she pulled her arms up so hard that the restraints were pulled from the chair. She willed the fire into existance and her hands burst into flames. "That man is my father. And he is coming to get me, and he will kill you for doing this to me."

"Your father isn't coming. Welcome to twenty twenty one: your won't be born for years and your parents don't know you exist. Auntie Claire doesn't even know about Auntie Luci yet. No one is coming to save you. Not your parents, not your aunts or uncles, no one."

"Delilah." Bethany spoke for the first time. "I think I might have an idea to make this faster."

Delilah looked up at the woman behind Laena. "What?"

"If you'd let me operate on her, I could erase all the memories you said needed to be deleted."

Delilah smiled. "Good idea."

Suddenly Laena was seeing the scene from outside of her body, watching the younger, long haired and dark-haired her get a chlorphorm-soaked-rag getting stuffed under her nose.

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