Thursdays Are The Worst

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*******Trigger warning: attempted sexual assault******

 Thurs. Oct. 10, Scarlet's POV

It's been about three weeks of radio silence. I had the art of avoiding them (and my emotions) mastered in one hour after that talk, having ditched the stupid wheelchair right away.

Avoiding the stares and gossip is a different story because apparently, someone (Free) doesn't know how to keep their damn mouth shut. A majority of the people are wary about being in the same building as me, much less try or do anything to me. Yet there is still that one group of people who think they're untouchable and have zero thinking abilities. Just because I'm alone now doesn't make me any easier of a target.

"Hey," Dumb jock number one says as I start my daily job of helping the school librarian by putting the books away. I ignore him, grabbing a stack of books and walking away. Only I don't make it five steps when someone grabs my arm to yank me back, making me drop the books except one. It turns out to be the new student, Kevin.

"When someone's talking to you, you're supposed to be paying attention." He hissed, way too close. I try to pull my arm back but he tightens his grip, "Maybe we should teach you some lessons on respect, right boys?" Dumb jocks one, two, and three nods, snickering.

"I only respect those who also give me respect," I snap at him, "So unless you want to tell people you got your ass kicked by the school freak, I suggest you let go of my arm."

"It seems the stories are true, you are feisty," He leans in to whisper, "I'm going to enjoy breaking that dark spirit of yours."

"I'd like to see you try," I whisper back before hitting (more like bitch-slapping) him with the book I had, making him let go of my arm. I back up, crouching, "To bad you didn't listen to the stories of how I got the scar on my face."

He touches the small bleeding cut I made on his cheek, "Oh, I know how you got it," He licks the blood, "I watched as one of my men gave it to you," He begins to walk around me, out of easy hitting range, "I watched as the doctors fixed you up and when you got a little visit in the middle of the night. I continued to watch you from afar. Then the three of them decided to show up, having the same classes as you."

He sits down, "I thought to myself, 'what could be so special about this human?' So I decided to find out for myself, up close. And do you know what I found?" He moves slowly towards me. I try to step back but find I can't move my body. What the-? "A lot of things actually. You have a bodyguard that's a Reaper, an advisor to the greatest institute for other beings known interested in you, and you have a very intriguing bond with two of the best warriors of the Host in history. It didn't take long to connect the dots," He tilts my head up, "You're the one we've been waiting for."

"Wow," I drawled, still able to talk, "And I thought I was crazy but you sir, take it to a whole other level. Congrats."

"That's not the only thing I plan on taking," Then the motherfucker rips the front of my shirt open, one of my favorite shirts may I add. I don't know whether to be angry about him ripping my 30 dollar, concert bought shirt or about him ripping my shirt open in the first place, "My bad."

Oh, you are so lucky that I can't move because I would knee you so hard that your grandkids would fe—jxgshkysvks.

He slides a finger up my ribs, "What a boring bra, good thing you won't need it much longer."

Scratch the grandkids you won't even be alive long enough to see tomorrow–

"Where's that feistiness of yours now huh? It's no fun if you don't make any noise. Maybe if I venture down..."

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