The Question

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The foxes start in on Kevin as soon as Coach Wymack and Nathaniel disappeared.
"Care to be forth coming with information Day?" Matt said in a gruff voice.

Kevin still looked distracted, looking at the lathe that they had taken. Still shell shocked, processing Jean's death and the fact that Nathaniel was at Palmetto.

"What do you want to know Boyd?"
There was a clamor as 7 people shouted questions.
"How old is he?" said Nicky.
"Back the fuck off, Nicky, he's 17," Kevin quickly shot back.
"You seemed mighty touchy, Mr Kevin "heterosexuality is easier" Day..." Aaron snarked.
Kevin pointedly did not respond.
"What's his deal? Can he play?" asked Dan.
A small smile flitted across Kevin's face.
"Can he play? Yes, he can play. He can out play all of you with 50 stitches in him," said Kevin. There was pride in his voice.
"How sweet, why don't  you just suck his dick right in front of him, god you sound like a faggot," Gordon added.
"Did you know that guys that call other guys faggots usually have more repressed homosexuality than others? Interesting isn't? Seth Gordon was it?" Nathaniel says as he reenters.
"See I know a lot about you, Bryan. I did a little research on you. Interesting, if you hypothetically overdosed, there would be no foxes. If Riko wanted to eliminate Kevin's interest in your team, all it would take is one of you to tragically meet your death. You are a druggie, you are violent, your brother Jeremy is also an alcoholic. Birmingham is very easy going when it comes to high school records. You only have one other brother that graduated from high school. It is very easy camouflage a homicide as an OD for a known addict. Hypothetically," Nathaniel said as he crossed the room to stand next to Kevin.

"While we don't tolerate that language Seth, if you ever threaten one of players again—" Dan started.

"Oh I would never, Captain, just hypotheticals of course," Nathaniel said smiling.

It didn't surpass the notice of the foxes that Nathaniel's smile was less of a smile and more of a promise of violence.

"Nathaniel, you must be tired, you are welcome to sleep out our nurse's house or..." Wymack trailed off expectantly looking at Kevin.

"Nate will stay with me," Kevin said definitely.

Kevin and Nathaniel had a quiet exchange in french.

"Care to share with the class?" Andrew speaks up.

"Tu peux, mais je deteste le petit garçon," Nathaniel said in a clear dismissal.

"Nathaniel is out of the side branch's reach, he know main branch property. He will continue to play Exy, at a collegiate and professional level. Same for me. Some of our funds will be reallocated to the Moriyamas and Nathaniel will—" Kevin said before being cut off by Nathaniel.

"That's quite enough, Kev. The only thing left to do is find a college that will have me. I can play position, but I am best at backliner and striker," Nathaniel said blandly as if he wasn't putting his fate in the hands of strangers.

"We will settle the details in the morning, Nathaniel. You look like you could use sleep. Practice is dismissed," called out Wymack.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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