I have decided

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Above the door, a laser gun popped out from the ceiling. Please, no. I don't even know who I am yet...

I step back in terror, barely able to think up my next move. I either choose to keep myself safe but not who I am, or risk my life to find out who I am. I lean against a wall and let out a heavy breath, shuddering at the thoughts that we're spiralling my head. "Whoever I am, think! Think! I don't want to die because I didn't know a stupid handshake." I whispered to myself. I shut my eyes, praying for a way out of this. A slightly chubby blue-eyed boy seeped into my imagination. Wait I'm actually recalling something!

He whispered cheekily yet full of excitement and life, "This is our secret handshake!"

I shot open my hazel eyes, a fire of determination arising. I have decided. I walk towards the door I originally stepped away from, fearing for my undecided path of life. The laser gun has its dot aiming for my heart, prepared for a negative outcome.

Making sure to project my voice and reflect the ounce of confidence I carried, I spoke to the door. "Before I do this, there is one thing you should know. I tried so hard to figure out who I am. If this is the end for me, make it quick." I high-fived the hand at the palm, then the top of the hand, interlocked thumbs, pulled myself towards the mechanic arm and then patted the connecting shoulder. The screen, once again, turned black. I widened my eyes slightly, as if I hadn't expected this. T-this is it. I'm dead. But with a bright green tick. The door opened, revealing all my secrets. 

The Laboratory of LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora