Chapter one

596 11 3

It's 2011 right now

Jack Bombay played by River Phoenix Lauren looks exactly like him but with brownish hazel eyes and light brown hair and girl version

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Jack Bombay played by River Phoenix
Lauren looks exactly like him but with brownish hazel eyes and light brown hair and girl version

Lauren's Pov:

Dad, "Hey ready for school", yeah both Jack and I reply, I'm not exactly in a great mood my mom just got busted with heroin

"So hey guys, after school I'm going to pick you up and we will be going to the ice" Jack, "Wait the ice, meaning we're going to play hockey?"

"Oh yeah I coach a team named the Ducks" me and Jack just look at each other and laugh

"Yeah yeah laugh all you want but we are a good team, I'm going to make you each practice with us" our mother told him about us liking hockey and figure skating

"Alright, lets get, go go go, we're going to be late for school" dad rushes us out the door

Jack and me wait for like 2 minutes then we get onto the bus we're like the 13th stop so there's already a lot of people on here

I decide to sit in a empty seat because I don't know anybody here and Jack sits on the other seat across mine

A kid sits next to my brother not sure who, but her seems friendly my brother is talking to him

When I was looking over at my brother I didn't even notice a cute boy sit next to me, he smiles and says "hey I'm Charlie Conway"

He had curly brown hair, with greenish eyes he was a very cute guy 

Hi, I'm Lauren Bombay he smiles then looks at me, "Bombay, are you like related to a Gordon" I smile, "yeah, that's my fathers name"

Charlie smiles and we start to talk, "So do you play hockey?" "No but I figure skate, my brother Jack is the one that plays hockey"

There's another one of you as I point to my brother yeah I guess

"Do you have any other siblings" "I'm guessing dad never told you about us?" Charlie's says, "No he was a bit rude at the beginning but now he's gotten better"

We continue to talk until Charlie asks, "Hey what classroom do you have" I pull out my paper, Charlie looking at it he had a large smile on his face and says we have the same classes together"

My brother then yells over at me and Charlie asking what class we had we all exchanged ours Jack was siting next to Corey Adams who was a grade older than us he was 12 while Charlie, Jack, and where 11 so Corey didn't exchange his

Jack has science with me and Charlie that's about it that's in period 6

So Charlie said he would introduce us to some of his friends and they would exchange schedules and see if Jack had any of their classes

After we put are schedules in our book bags the bus stops at a large school

Charlie grabs my hand and we both walk out of the bus

To be continued.....

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