Chapter three

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Connie and I walk out of the classroom, with Charlie running out trying to catch up

"Oh sorry, Char", Charlie, "no, it's alright" says out of breathe

Charlie and I get to our lockers because a ours are closest, then we walk to the gym, we say our mini goodbyes to Charlie, and Connie and I go to the girls locker room

Connie, "This is a little big isn't it", "Yeah, I reply looking at everything

After Connie and I got dressed, we went up to the Gym to get role call done, after that we started doing laps

Connie and I run together, "So, Charlie, is running with that big scary guy", Connie, "Oh Fulton, he's fine, he just recently joined hockey, he played football too

"He's still scary, what if we're against him in dodgeball", Connie just shrugs

After, the gym teacher says alright, lets do our stretches, I look over at Charlie and I catch him and his friends looking at me

They quickly look away, okay

I start doing my stretches quick, and then we all have to sit in a circle, I sit next to Charlie, and a kid with glasses, Connie was across from us

"Okay class, just as I said before we are playing dodgeball, I be picking teams"

"Annie, Charlie, Fulton, Haines, Greg, Connie, Hannah and Mike"

On the other team, "Lester, Jesse, Wendy, Henry, Jordan, Frank, Justin, and Evan

We got lucky

After that school flew, now time for dad to pick us up

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