Chapter 2

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When the two of them had left the meeting room, Autumn ventured a question:
"So you've been here before?"
"Only for two weeks. My college has a work placement thing with these guys."
"Oh. Cool," Autumn gasped, curious as to why Amber had not mentioned it in front of everyone a few moments before. "So that's how you know Harvey?"
"Something like that," Amber continued walking ahead, waving to someone at one of the workspaces. She led Autumn along the hall past some offices and other rooms including the office supplies store and the kitchen. On the inside of the office space, there were banks of cubicles and large co-working spaces. The people sat in the cubicles were mostly working diligently, while those at the desk areas were chatting with co-workers.
Lots of light entered through the windows and the scent of freshly opened boxes of printer paper was in the air, one of Autumn's favorite smells, after freshly mown grass, sea breeze and tanning oil, the scents of summer.
The pair of interns found their workspaces were right next to one another, already stocked with office supplies and a computer. Amber got straight to taking things out from her handbag, and settling them into her space. Autumn did not have much to take out from her bag, a beach bag she had repurposed into a handbag.
"You still doing all your fitness stuff?" Autumn ventured, trying to get to know the woman she'd be sitting next to, but not really sure of what to say. "I remember you saying something about that back at the interviews." Plus Amber's body was amazing. Autumn understood why she was so confident, anyone with her figure would be.
"I lead some classes now actually. Most weekends. You should come by this Saturday,"
"Saturday..." Autumn echoed, her body tensing at the prospect of a social engagement. "I'll think about it, but only if you promise not to hurt me too badly." Amber laughed lightly, a sneaky little look springing up on her face, "Oh Autumn, what kind of trainer would I be if I made that promise?"
"The best one ever?" Autumn tried to stay lighthearted, but felt both intimidated and impressed: Amber was only a year older and was already leading fitness classes. I could never do something like that.
"Nah. Not my style."
"Why anyone would want to spend time working out in a gym in the middle of summer is a mystery to me." Autumn tried to relax into the conversation a little. Knowing Amber remembered her had made her feel a little more confident.
"It's the best workout!" Amber flexed her biceps as proof. "Plus you get to listen to music to get you motivated. We'll blast some No Doubt." Autumn was now flattered that Amber had not only remembered her, but had remembered something about her that she had shared.
"Not as fun as blasting it on a beach and going body surfing. All by yourself, in the middle of nature. That's what I'm going to miss the most about being here you know, the sea and the beach." Autumn sighed.
"Nah, you'll love it. Harvest Hills has everything you need: a beautiful lake, gorgeous scenery. Just wait until you see it in the fall."
"Don't want to think about that just yet! Don't let my name fool you, I'm a summer baby through and through." She was pleased that they were getting along. She felt like she might even have a friend in Amber.
"I have a feeling you might change your mind. There is nothing in the world like a Harvest Hills Fall. Anyway, let's get organised here, we have to head back soon."
Autumn placed her orientation pack onto her desk and took another look inside. It had a welcome letter from Mr. Staffordshire Senior, a copy of her internship contract, and daily schedules for the week. There was a huge S and W handbook, and some other literature which she would look at later. Secured to the top of the cover page though was her photo ID employee card, and she felt a pang of pride seeing her name and photo on it. Although DAYN was a more global enterprise, Autumn felt that S and W would a great place for her to launch her career after graduation, and getting this internship was certain to put her in good stead. As long as I don't mess it up. Don't mess it up.
At exactly 10:25, Autumn checked herself in the bathroom mirror, smoothed out her hair and spritzed on some perfume, and made her way to a small meeting room, where she would gather with the others that made up the advisory department's team. She wondered if she would be given any tasks of consequence at this point. As an intern, her job could be mostly just to do as she was told: which could involve making copies or getting coffee and cleaning up after senior staff snack time. But Autumn hoped that she would be able to sit in on meetings and learn about some of the clients and the type of expertise the clients were looking for. She hoped for some responsibility. She wanted to learn, and to help the company in its goal for continued success, just like a real employee. She took a deep breath and nervously pushed the door open to the meeting room. You got this. You can do this.
It was much smaller than the room they had been in in the morning. It did not have a glass wall, just a small window in the door, but the far wall still had windows which had a small view of the street partially blocked by a neighbouring building. Inside the room at the table sat Thomas Bradwaithe amongst a small group of people who were chatting while sipping mugs of coffee. Autumn nodded to him upon her entry and sat quietly at the end of the table, surveying her new work group. She recognised Devon Porter, a woman in her late forties with graying black hair tied back and muddy colored eyes sitting at the head of the table. Devon cleared her throat to address the group. "Okay, it's 10:30. Let's get some introductions over with before we begin. We have two new interns joining us today. Autumn Barnett and Harvey McIntosh, although it seems we are missing one of them. Is Mr. McIntosh not joining us today?" she asked Thomas.
"He was at the welcome meeting." Thomas began, but was interrupted by the meeting room door being pushed open. Everyone turned to find Mr. Staffordshire Jr. walking in with Harvey just behind him.
"Sorry we're late Devon, I was just showing Macky around. He's not too late, is he?" At this, Harvey turned bright red. Geez Staff, not only am I late for my first departmental meeting because of you, but you me just called me Macky in front of my entire new team. What a good first impression.
Harvey was already paranoid enough about people knowing about his family connection to the Staffordshires, which he avoided talking about if he could. Worst of all, it gave the other new intern, the gorgeous Autumn, who was so stuck-up and who already hated him he could tell, ammunition to pass on to Amber.  She kept her eyes down, he noticed, probably equally as unimpressed with his entrance as he was embarrassed.
"We just started. Have a seat Mr. McIntosh, we were just about to do introductions. Would you like to join us for our meeting, William?"
The man glanced down at the watch on his wrist, "I have a few minutes before my next meeting, I'd love to sit in." Devon looked pleased and stood up from her chair, offering it to Mr. Staffordshire who opted instead to stand in the corner. Harvey took the empty chair next to Autumn, tried to smile at her, but she kept her eyes forward, so as not to reveal her annoyance and nervousness as the realisation that they would be working together on a daily basis dawned on her. She detected a subtle waft of his cologne, which was nice- fresh and clean smelling. This was the closest they had physically been, she thought as her nerves tightened like violin strings being tuned.
"Ms. Barnett," she looked up, "we will have you and Mr. McIntosh working with one of our senior advisors on an ongoing project. Derek Chan will be a little late this morning but will fill you both in later. He'll also be working as your mentor while you intern here, Ms. Barnett." Mrs. Porter paused, "As for you, Mr. McIntosh, it looks like you have your mentor already in place?" 
"Yes," Harvey's voice was light and easy-going. "And don't worry, Mr. Staffordshire is more than happy to keep me in line." A bout of muted laughter arose among the few people in the room. Autumn glanced sideways at her new colleague. The joke wasn't even funny. But at least he had the confidence to make it, something I could never do. Harvey giggled nervously himself, turning a little red and made very brief eye contact with autumn, who looked awa immediately, remaining stone-faced. Well I'm not going to make them forget I was late with my excellent joke telling, that's for sure.
"I'm sure that will work well," Mrs. Porter nodded before formally presenting herself and the three others in the room to the newbies.
Very brief progress reports on various projects were delivered to Autumn and Harvey by Thomas and Devon. Autumn was proud that she could understand what was being discussed- she had been studying up all summer knowing that some of the other interns would have already finished a year of college. William excused himself and then they began their meeting in earnest, going over targets for the week, making sure everyone was clear about their roles. "Ms. Barnett, Mr. McIntosh, Derek will come and get you in a few minutes to brief you on your work. I suggest you two get acquainted if you haven't already, you'll be working in tandem with one another for the next little while." Autumn tried to keep the frown she felt forming at bay. It was going to be hard working with someone so full of himself. Harvey tried to look indifferent to everything he had just heard, secretly happy he'd be able to work with this beautiful strawberry-blond. Keep it professional, they both thought to themselves. "Ok, now before we conclude, I just want to check - Did you all get the email that went out this morning about the upcoming opportunity at our new Sydney office?  Ms. Barnett, Mr. McIntosh, everyone is welcome to apply, even interns." Autumn looked up again, her pulse quickening at the possibility of applying for a position in Australia. "Are there any questions?"
Ask a question Autumn! You'll appear more invested. And professional. Just put up your hand.
"Just want to say thank you to all of you for this opportunity. I look forward to being a member of this team." It was Harvey who had spoken, not Autumn, whose heart sank at missing her chance.
"We are very pleased to have you here as well, and if there are no more questions, let's get to it."
Nobody else had any questions and the room quickly emptied out, leaving Autumn and Harvey on their own, still sitting next to one another. Autumn shifted over a seat away from him, preferring to have a bit more space to herself when it was available. Harvey leaned casually back in his chair. Sunlight played against her strawberry blond hair, allowing the hints of gold in it to shine through. Why did such a snob have to be so good-looking? The pretty ones were always the snootiest.
"How's your desk, Barnett?" He tried some small talk.
"Good thanks. Next to Amber's. You know her by the way?"
"We go back some." Autumn swore she caught a hint of mischief glint across his eyes.
"Just like with Mr. Staffordshire?" Of course she would mention it. He knew someone would use it against him, he had just hoped it wouldn't be her.
"Something like that." He looked at her thoughtfully, but she looked like she would be angry at him no matter what he said. She would be a tough nut to crack. But he was going to try anyway. He had a feeling about this girl. "William is a good friend. I've known him since I was little."
"Oh?" Autumn's brow raised in questioning. "Why'd they even bother with you doing an internship then?" "What do you mean?"
"Couldn't they have just given you a job here?" Hopefully she was not always this sour and judgemental.
"They haven't built the business they have now by hiring just anyone. I had to prove I wasn't just a pretty face." He smiled at her, hoping that she understood he was joking, she didn't seem to. "No seriously though, I need the experience. Didn't get perfect grades. Unlike you."
Autumn raised her brows again, this time in surprise: somehow Harvey had heard about her grades? It was the only thing that she was proud of - she did have good grades. Really good actually. But just at high school. Not at college. "How do you know about that?"
"Oh everyone does. It's a huge advantage having that kind of brainpower. I wish I did." He had a little smirk on his lips, which Autumn interpreted to mean he was making fun of her. "Anyway, I did earn my place here. I know you might think otherwise, but I need to prove myself, just like anyone else. And not only to him- " Harvey's words trailed off. But they struck Autumn as being sincere, and she begrudgingly found herself listening intently.
"I didn't expect you to say that." The words came out gruffly, "I figured you were just like a trust fund looking for something to keep you occupied. Or something."
"Not at all," He pushed back in the chair and stretched out his legs and stood up. She couldn't help but notice his body, visible through the shirt and jacket. "Well, it looks like we're going to be working together for awhile." She was hard to talk to, and he was grabbing at straws in his small talk.
"Yes." She kept staring at the desk in front of her, uncomfortable because she couldn't understand why someone like him was talking to her.
"It should be fun, Barnett." Harvey tried to go for nonchalant, casual, a bit flirty, like he was with Amber, but he was very nervous working with this pretty and smart redhead who was nearly impossible to read, still seemed stuck-up and worst of all, uninterested in and unimpressed with everything he said.
Of course this job is just a bit of fun for him; he doesn't really have to worry about his performance in the job with all his family connections.
"But listen, I have a good feeling as to what it takes to survive and thrive in this company," Of course he does - he's best friends with the founding family and has inside connections "and not everyone can hack it." Autumn's blood boiled at this comment. Already implying that I'm not good enough to be there. What a jerk. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but I can't let this guy walk all over me on day one. "Didn't we get the same job?" she glared at him, Harvey realised she thought that he was saying that she could not hack it.
"Sure we did, that's exactly what I meant! That you are more than talented and smart enough to be here," looks like there was going to be a communication issue. And I should know, communication is my major.
"Look Harvey, you don't even know me, so I'd appreciate if you didn't tell me what I can and cannot manage," she let out an exasperated sigh, but proud that she had stood up for herself.
"If you two are done...?," an agitated voice made them both turn toward the door. A stern-faced man of Asian descent and medium height, with a look which made them both feel like they were school kids being told off by a teacher, stood at the door. Autumn's cheeks flushed red, for the umpteenth time that day. How embarrassing!
The man must have been in his mid-forties and was dressed in a suit and crisp white shirt (weren't they all?), and had on a blue striped tie. "I'm Derek Chan, and I have something productive you can both be doing instead of bickering." Amber had given Autumn the heads up about Derek, who had started his career in marketing at another company before moving over to S and W. "Yes of course Mr. Chan," Harvey replied, offering his hand out for a shake. "This is Autumn, by the way." Derek shook both their hands and they followed him out of the meeting room and down the hallway to his office. "Be careful with him, Barnett", he said to her when Harvey was out of earshot.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean,"
Autumn was not sure that she did so she simply replied, "Yes sir, thank you." She didn't want to cause any waves, or appear dumb or anything but geez, this was not the start that she had imagined for herself. She started trudging down the hallway behind him, but rather than wondering again, for the billionth time that day if she really was good enough to be there, she took a deep breath and reminded herself of her mantra. You can do this. Channeling Gwen Stefani's cool California girl. Her trudge turned into a strut. Can't go wrong with No Doubt in the summertime. Well, excuse me mister.

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