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Cami's POV

*Picks up the diary and begins to write*
Hey, It's Cami again. My 18th birthday just passed and I am about to start my senior year. To be honest, being nervous it kinda an understatement. I'm a bit terrified. Yes, I know I'm supposed to be used to high school by now. But I'm not, the big crowds and not to mention school sounds like an echo chamber for gossip and inanity. I'm just happy this is my last of high school, I can't wait to go to college, hopefully, I can go to a great art school. I know my brother Jimin will go to a great medical school with his grades. I just hope I can get into college with my mediocre ones.
*Closes diary*

"Cami come down now, your going to be late for your first day!"

I heard my mother yell from downstairs. I took my backpack and took one last look at my outfit in the mirror. I was satisfied with the way I looked so I made my way downstairs.

I came downstairs to see a big breakfast laid out on the table. My mother came over to me to examine my outfit for the first day. "Honey you look cute you," She complimented and kissed my cheek.

"Cami, by the way, I'm going to drop you to school, your brother has already left to go pick up Chungha.

Chungha is Jimin's girlfriend. They have been dating for two years. He swears he's going to marry her. She is amazing. She is practically like a sister to me, since she is always at my house with Jimin in his room. I love her, but sometimes I don't want to hear moaning sounds coming from her and Jimin in the room right across from me.

"Ok mom, I'll hurry and eat".
I clean up my plate in only a couple of minutes. I get up and call my mom and go in the car. People still have to drive me around because I didn't pass my last driver test.

My mom and I got in her car and we start to drive to my high school. We are there in about 10 minutes. The car stops and I begin to look up the window to see many students hugging and greeting each other.

"Sweetie, stop worrying, you will be fine, go and have a great day". My mother reassured me before kissing me goodbye. It's like she sensed I was nervous. I said my goodbyes to her and left the car.

As I walked into my largely familiar school I saw so many new faces, Mostly new freshmen. I went to my new locker and spotted my best friend, Yuna.

"Yuna!" I ran to her and we both hugged, acting like we haven't seen each other for ages. Even though I just saw her yesterday, I still missed her. We have been friends for as long as I can remember.

"Hey bae, did you get your schedule yet?", she questioned.

"Yep, they just sent in own my phone." We quickly swapped phones and then yelped because we had 2 out of 4 classes together plus we had both lunches together.

The rang and we made our way to our first class, which was Chemistry. Gosh, I hate this class. We entered the classroom and took the nearest seats. The teacher came in and began doing attendance.

"Park Cami" I raised my hand and said here.

"Min Yuna", My best friend also raised her hands and said here.

"Kim Taehyung" The teacher looked around the class. He called the name again, "Kim Taehyung".

Taehyung came rushing in the classroom door, looking out of place and tired and quickly said here and sat down next to me and Yuna. He probably just came back from fucking a girl...or he's just tired.

My heart began to speed up as I looked to the right of me, to see my crush, Kim Taehyung. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey Cami, Hi Yuna." All the girls eyed him and rolled their eyes to see him sit next to me.

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