~Chapter 8~

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                        *At the Kingdom of Scaleswind*

Nicole's POV

        Katelyn and I had been sparring together in the training room when a maid came into the room,saying that my dad had requested to speak with me in the throne room.What exactly does my dad  want to speak to me about?

"Don't look at me Your Highness. I'm just as clueless as you are."Katelyn said,shrugging her shoulders.

"Katelyn. I've already told you,you can just call me Nicole."Frankly,calling me "Your Highness" is a little too formal.You're my friend."Honestly,I don't see the point in it.

''I know,I know,you want me to call you by  your name 'cause we're friends.But you're still a princess,I'm not.Technically,I'm-Technically I'm your lady-in-waiting,though technically I'm still nobility?'Cause you made me a part of it once I became your lady-in-waiting,but I'm not a princess.It's just formalities I guess."she sighed.I knew she hated the formalities as much as I did.

"Once again,you are my friend.I don't care if I'm royalty and you're not.You're a wonderful person with a wonderful family.You deserve this.That's why I chose you." I smiled at her.

"I know.I'm so thankful 'cause now my brothers have an actual shot at life."Katelyn said as she smiled back at me.

"Well,being the children of the Captain of the Royal Guard does bring some perks,especially when the daughter's best friends with the Princess of Scaleswind~" I smirked,winking at her.

"Your dad is still waiting to talk to you,you know."Katelyn reminded me.

I cursed,suddenly remembering how we'd gotten into this discussion about formalities in the first place.Katelyn gasped dramatically.

"My,where did you learn such unladylike language from?!" she gasped dramatically,placing her hand over her mouth,facing me with wide eyes..

"From you obviously."I smirked.

"I've taught you well."she said proudly,wiping imaginary tears from her eyes.

"I know.I learned from the best."I nudged Nicole playfully.

"Oh,you!"she said,smiling,as she nudged me back.After that,we spent the entire time walking,playing around with each other.That is,until we had finally reached the doors to the throne room.

"Soo...Do you want me to come in with you?"Katelyn asked me.I nodded.

"Of course,Katelyn!Come on,let's see what my dad has to talk to me about."I said,as I pushed open the doors to the throne room.I saw my dad sitting on his throne,looking as serious as ever.

"Hello Nicole,Hello Katelyn.Nicole,I'm  sure you are wondering what I want to discuss with you.Katelyn,would you like to leave the room for this?"

"I would like to stay here with Princess Nicole,Your Majesty.If you will allow it."she replied,bowing respectfully.

"Very well .Nicole do you recall the Kingdom of O'khasis?"

"Yes I do.What about the Kingdom of O'khasis?"Now I was interested.Dad never talked about O'khasis.Ever.All he would say was that ever since a failed marriage,or something like that ,our relationship with them...hasn't been the best..Well at least they aren't declaring war on us or anything !That would be veerry bad.

"Well,I have received word from the King of  O'khasis,King Garte,that he would like to repair the relations between our kingdoms.

"Really?How exactly  would our kingdoms do that?"I asked now very confused.Katelyn looked just as confused as I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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