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It's been two months since Seph's brain surgery and he's still in a coma. I feel so lost without Seph. I decided to record the babies as they grow so that he can see them when he wakes. I interviewed a young college student for this job, her name is Mia. She's very quiet and observant whilst she work. The twins and I have gotten use to her quiet presence, it's a little comforting.

My phone chime and I answer, "Hello? "

" Hello Jessica, how are my baby buds?" Sara ask.

" They're all good, they are starting to pull up on the furniture. "  Jeremiah blow raspberries as if he know I'm talking to his Nana.

Sara laughs, " I here Nana's Jeremiah. " she coo in a baby's voice.

" Let me put you on speaker phone, so that I can change their diapers. "  I continue  changing Jariah's diaper when Charles speak.

"Jessica we've found a brain specialist here that is the best in his field. Dr . Stevens says it's okay for Joseph to be moved here if you agree."

I ponder this, they never said anything about moving him to London. But if this specialist is the best, well that's what I want for Seph.

" Okay if that's what you want." I say softly.

" Of course it's your decision sweetheart and we want you and the babes to come also. We miss you and want you near, if that's okay? " he sound strained. Sara says,"We really want you to come, Rachel can't wait to see you, she's been worrying for you, Jessica. "  she ask with hope.

" Of course, I will. Let me get things straighten on this is end. Do I need to call Dr . Stevens to tell him my decision?"

Charles sound excited, "Yes, yes. Call him now. I'll come tomorrow on my jet. Thank you Jessica, we're extremely grateful. Love you see you tomorrow. "

I  hang up and turn to Gammy, "Well that's that. Do you want Alicia to come and stay with you? "

" Actually sweets me and the Morgan's already been talking about this. It was my idea, you and the twins need their support and so does Joseph. I'm going to your mother's so we can have time together. I'm feeling my age daily sweets, so I'm going to enjoy her as long as I can. I hope you understand, I'm not abandoning you sweets. This is for the best, for everybody. "

I  smile at her, "I  know who I get my intelligence from. Nobody but you Gammy. " I put the twins on the floor and give her a big hug. " I love you Gammy. " I  step back and turn to Mia.

" Mia will you be able to travel to London with us?" I smile at her.

" Yes, I won't miss this opportunity to travel to London and on a Jet! Yes, I'll go." She says pumping her fist while holding the camera. I giggle, she gets animated when she really like an idea.

I  called the hospital to make arrangements, and to get prepared for me and the twins big move. I asked Dr. Stevens if he could come along to inform the new staff of Joseph's diagnosis. I know that this isn't necessary but I just wanted him near Joseph because he was familiar with the family. I told him I would pay all of the expenses and he agreed to fly to and fro to see about Joseph every two weeks.

The weeks turned into months and the months turned into years. It's now been three years since Seph's accident. For some unknown reason I can't sleep. Me and the twins have just made it back to London from the states. We go back every chance we can to see my family. Gammy just celebrated her seventieth birthday, me and the twins enjoyed her immensely. My phone chimes and I look at the caller. " Hello Mom, what's wrong? "

I hear her cry out in the background, "Baby girl, it's your Gammy, she just passed away. "

I feel my nose burn and the tears rush out, I whisper "No Daddy, no Daddy."

I Am Joseph Morgan (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now