Ch. 7

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Joseph's POV

Jessica had been sleeping for an hour and the twins kept dosing off until I announced that it was time for a bath. After bathing them, the twins were wide awake again.

" I want to watch 'dinosaur train'." Jeremiah loudly suggest.

" I want to watch 'Doc McStuffins' daddy. " Jariah sweetly ask.

I look at the two and try not to disappoint them, "Is there not something that you both enjoy watching together? " they shook their tiny heads no. I walk over to the shelf that contain all of the movies and browse them. "If you two can't agree, I'll find something we can all enjoy." I looked in their direction and saw their big blue eyes watching me expectantly. The lower shelves contained all children movies, the highest shelves were inappropriate for children, and the middle shelves had videos numbered by the dates. I pulled out one and it was dated nine months after the twins were born and the title said 'Jeremiah and Jariah 's first steps '. I remembered Rachel telling me that Jessica had videos made daily of their lives while I was under.

" I know just what to watch." I announced. I started from the beginning when the twins were five months.

Watching my family without me was heart breaking, it was selfish of me to put Jessica through that. What if I had died, I know things would have been a lot worse. In the video, Jessica would play with them and interact with them when they were awake but she would have tears shimmering in her eyes when they were asleep. In one video she cried softly and watched Gammy play with them. She didn't say anything through three videos, she let Gammy play with them. The recorder would scan to Jessica when ever she wasn't looking. Who ever recorded the video wanted me to see and feel Jessica's pain. It was very effective, the kids had fallen asleep fifteen minutes into the first video, but I continued watching. I didn't finish the movies that night, in fact I didn't get through half of that first year. It was enough for me to appreciate Jess even more than before.

I lay the twins in the giant bed next to Jessica and then I grabbed a quick shower. I lay down and wrapped my body around my lovely wife and fell asleep.

About an hour later, I heard a neighborhood dog start to bark. He barked for a good five minutes before I climbed out of bed. I walked around the house looking through the windows. I didn't see anything until I looked out the kids window. The dog continued to bark, as I focused my eyes I could see someone with red hair walking away from the kids window. Even though the person wore all black, I could tell it was a female. I watched her, hoping she would turn around so that I could see her face. Finally she glanced back at the house, her hair reminded me of someone, I just couldn't remember the face.

When she was out of sight, I went back to our bedroom and grabbed my phone. I called my old friend Isaac, he worked for the KGB with me back in the day. He was now my go to man for private investigation and private security. My main focus was to make sure my family was safe.


It had been a week since Seph returned to the states and our little family was happy at last. I had been sneaking to see Dr. Brown, pretending to Seph and my family that I was dancing again.

This was my fourth session with Dr.Brown, I had pretty much told him all about Seph and my life together.

I was sitting comfortably in front of his desk as he leaned back in his chair with his hands resting behind his head.

"Why didn't' you ever confront your parents after Joseph informed you about everything on your wedding night?" He asked with his eyes never leaving mine.

I thought about it for a while and sighed, "I was disappointed in them and didn't want to know how little they cared for me at first, but after having the twins I realized that parents do what they think is best for their children."

I Am Joseph Morgan (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now