Ralph x Male Reader

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Hey guys! This was requested by @Osamuart and I hope you enjoy!

3rd POV
(M/n) gripped his jacket as the cold found its way to the small places of exposed skin. He should of brought another one, but he didn't have time. Why? He was running away from his "boyfriend". He had been drinking and had become aggressive against him. Just like every night.

He was dying out here and he had to find another place to stay. Walking to the hotel, he noticed the sign out front. He grimaced, but still stepped inside. A man greeted him and he smiled in response. Just then did (M/n) remember that he had no money. He said a embarrassed goodbye and left back into the cold.

Hopelessly, he walks around until he found an abandoned building. The embarrassment was drowned out by the cold as he stepped in. Looking around, he saw no one, but found a lot of things that could be used to make a fire.

Sitting by the fire, (M/n) finally beginning to feel feeling in his fingers again, he heard a scream from behind him. Turning around quickly, he sees no one, but knows somethings there. "Hello?" (M/n) said standing up "Is someone there?" Suddenly a blonde man rushes at him.

Surprised, (M/n) didn't move fast enough and ended up getting pinned to the floor. "What is human doing in Ralph's home!" He said. (M/n) studied the face of the man. Not man, Android. He had terrible scars running down his face. "How did you get those scars?" (M/n) asked, not in the least bit scared. He tried to touch them, but the Android grabbed his hand.

"Do not touch Ralph, human! You will hurt Ralph just like the others!" He yelled. (M/n) began to understand what happened and slowly sat up. The Android who he guessed was Ralph, scrambled up and got into what was a fighting stance. Getting up slowly, (M/n) put his arms up to show he was not there to harm him. " I don't want to hurt you Ralph. I just need a place to stay."

Ralph considers this, but then his LED flashes red and he erupts with "No! Ralph knows all humans are bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!" He goes on and on, until (M/n) speaks up. "What if I could heal you?" He quietly says. That stopped Ralph.

"H-heal Ralph?" He asked. "I could fix your scars and maybe, if you let me, I could fix what's wrong with your circuits." (M/n) said very cautiously. Ralph's face lit up immediately. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He yelled all the hostility now long gone.

The two then spent the night talking and sitting by the fire. Once morning came, (M/n) promised he would be back and left back to his apartment. On the way the way back, (M/n) thought about the blonde Android.

Reaching the apartment, (M/n) took a big breath and unlocked the door. On the coach was his boyfriend, Jason. The other male gives him a pissed off look, "And where the hell were you?" (M/n) gave him a stoic look and answered, "I went out for the night." Jason rolled his eyes and then turned his attention back to the TV. Letting out a breath he didn't even know he had, (M/n) made his way to the garage. He grabbed his toolbox and then stared at it. He was thinking about Jason.

All the times they were together and all the times of abuse and unwanted sex crashed down on him. He had to do it. It was time. Jason was good until his drinking started. They were so happy before, now (M/n) was too scared to even stay in his own house. And it's not because Jason is bigger or stronger than him, it's because (M/n) was always holding onto the good times. The times when Jason would cuddle up to him and fall asleep during a movie or how they would cook together in mornings. A tear slid down (M/n)'s cheek. It wasn't the same Jason from before.

(M/n) walked to the living area and stood next to couch. Jason looked up at him, Unamused, "What the hell do you need?" Letting out a sigh he spoke, "I'm breaking up with you. Take your stuff and leave, please."

The world seemed to freeze in place, until the other male stood up. He walked towards (M/n) and swiftly smacked him hard across the face. "Asshole." And just like that he went up stairs, grabbed his things and slammed the door closed behind him when he left. (M/n) sat there, relieved it wasn't worse, then rushed back to the abandon building. Grabbing Ralph, he decided to bring him back home.

Once they got home, (M/n) took him to the Garage and started to take a look at his face. After around 2 hours, the (hair color) haired male gave Ralph a mirror. The blonde looked at himself and looked back at the other, tears flowing down his cheeks. "I'm sorry Ralph, i couldn't fix a all your circuits, it would take someone at Cyberlife and a lot more materials than I have, but i fixed your face and everything else i could." Not saying a word, Ralph just got off the bench and stared at (M/n). Then suddenly, he hugged him tight and buried his face in the other man's chest.

"Thank you. Thank you so much" (M/n)'s shirt getting slightly damp. Wrapping his arms around him, the other man embraced the hug. And for that beautiful moment, they stayed like that.

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