Traci! Connor x Traci! Male Reader

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Both Connor and (M/n) were Traci's that worked at the Eden Club. Because they were there, they had to keep the fact that they loved each other secret, one day they see a chance to leave. And they take it.

"We made it. We made it out."

(M/n)'s POV
I heard the buzzer go off and I took myself out the lady on the bed. She pants and soon gets up, shaking slightly. I grabbed my boxers and put them on, hoping she wouldn't pay for extra time. She gets her clothes on, kisses me on the cheek and leaves. I let out a sigh, I didn't know I was holding in, then collapsed on the bed. I felt disgusting.

I stared at the ceiling, I need to get out of here. The only thing keeping me here was Connor. I'm taking him with me. He's the only one that has ever shown me true love, he doesn't deserve to be here. I sit there, waiting for my memory to get erased, when I hear the door open. I sit up in a panic, hoping no one else rented me, when I see Connor.

He gives me a sheepish and slightly sad smile, "Are you okay (M/n)?" I nod, putting aside how I felt to focus on keeping Connor happy. I put a calm smile on my face, standing up and walking towards him. Gingerly, I pick him up and spin him around. He lets out a surprised yelp, but then giggles a little blushing. I end it with a small peck on the lips, my smile a bit mischievous. His blush worsens and he shyly looks away.

I set him down with a smirk and open the door to the outside. As soon as I did, the lights turn off. "Thank god, it's closing time already.." I hear Connor say under his breath. My head turns towards the doors. One is slightly cracked open. The whole world seems to stop. The door was open. We could get out. I could take Connor with me.

"(M/n)..? Are you sure you're okay?" Connor touched my hand and instinctively I grab it and start running, pulling the brunette with me. "(M-m-m/n)! What are you doing!?" He yelled at me. I didn't respond as I burst through the door and keep running.

I didn't stop until we were at least at almost a half mile away. I slow down and let go of his hand. "What the Hell (M/n)!?" He yelled at me. I turned to face him. My cheeks were stained with tear as a smile later on my face. I hug him tight and whisper in his ear, "Connor. We made it. We made it out." Soon I hear small whimpers and my bare chest feels wet.

And there we stood in the middle of a random road, hugging and crying, happy we made it out. We never have to go back. And we never will. I'll make sure of it.

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