Chapter 2: Accident

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I freshen up and got out of the bathroom. I saw Hidan arrogantly sleeping. Childish much. I just walked out of the room and... Wait I had no idea where Pain's room was. I don't think I saw anyone in my sight of vision to ask directions.

"Tsk," I clicked my tongue. Do I have to ask that bastard? Suddenly from the wall a plant appeared. A PLANT??? Inside it was a man, skin half black, half white. 

"I will take you to Pain's room. My name is Zetsu. I am also part of the Akatsuki," he stated. I just nodded in agreement and followed him. We walked in silence. 

We stopped outside a door and Zetsu knocked.

"Come in," I heard from the inside. Zetsu opened the door. The room was not so big as I thought it to be, but it was still intimidating. 

"Let me formally welcome you Y/N," a voice said I looked straight in front of me to see Pain. 

"Thank you,"

"Let me explain the goals of our organisation,"

... (blah blah blah)

"We will assign you missions and you just have to fulfil them. You will get paid for your jobs,"


"I will let you know your mission in due time. You can go and get some rest now,"

"I will see you then,"

That was unexpectedly a polite conversation. What pained (not an intentional pun ;)) me was to have to go back to that room. Oh, who cares. I just needed to follow my orders and earn money. That was honestly better than my life previously.

I thanked Zetsu and asked if he could lead me back to my room since I still hadn't gotten used to this place.

"I feel sorry for you..." Zetsu said out of nowhere.


"I am mean you have to partner up with Hidan. He can be loud and annoying most of the time,"

"Tell me about it,"

"Oh! We are here. Well then I will see you around,"

"Yeah. Thank you!" I bowed. He merged with the wall and disappeared. I wondered what his power was. I opened the door and walked into the room. Hidan opened his eyes. 

"So you came back b..tch,"

I just ignored him and went to my bed. I got out my weapons and started sharpening it.

"You f..cking b...tch. Don't ignore me!" He shouted coming closer to my bed. I signed. My ears were already aching from all his shouting.

"Won't you shut up for a bit. You are always yelling," I unconsciously yelled back at him.

"Your the one making me to," he continued to come closer. I got annoyed and abruptly stood up but I had forgotten how close he already was to the bed. Our faces were inches apart. A little surprised I stepped back but tripped on the edge of the bed.

"HEY!" Hidan jumped forward trying to save me from the fall. I closed my eyes for impact but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and felt an arm around my waist. I looked up to see Hidan had caught me. The other hand was on the bed holding him up. Our eyes met. My eyes slightly widened. His cheeks turned pink. He instantly dropped me.

"Ow that hurt you son of a ..."

"Karma," he got up and went straight back to his bed and layed down to sleep.

"Tsk" I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I just laid back into the bed. It was a long day with that idiot bastard. I just wanted to sleep. My eyes felt heavy and soon they closed allowing me to fall into a deep sleep.


Hey Guys,

This is my first fan fiction and I don't know if I am going too fast. Please let me know. I also want to know if you are enjoying my story and if I should continue!



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