Chapter 3:Annoyance

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"Hey b...tch! HEY! WAKE UP!" I woke to the sound of some annoying person yelling their head off. I slowly opened my eyes to see Hidan shouting.

"You could not shout any louder could you. What do you want?" I got up and sat at the edge of the bed running my hands through my hair.

"Pain's got a mission for the both of us,"

"WHAT! Already!"

"Yeah. We need to hunt this man on the Bingo Book and sell him for money and then give it to Kakuzu. Apparently they are low on funds," explained Hidan. I didn't know that the Akatsuki needed financial support. Well, I guess, thinking logically they would.

"Okay. Let me go and get changed,"

"Oh and Pain said to give this to you," Hidan handed me a ring and a cloak with the Akatsuki's symbol on it. I just grabbed it and walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Did I have to work with that idiot? *sigh* "Well let's just get this over and done with fast," I though to myself.

... (like a long time skip)

As we were walking in the forest towards the destination...

"So what is so special about you?" Hidan questioned me.

... I stayed silent. I couldn't be bothered to answer his question.

"Hey b..tch! I am talking to you!" he yelled.

"You will find out sooner or later and stop calling me b..tch. I have a name you know," you replied in irritation.

"I thought that name suited you."

You stayed silent.

"So you agree?"

I just couldn't be bothered to reply. If I did I know I would waste my energy.

"You really get to my head you know,"

"I don't care and right back at you,"

"Tsk." He just clicked his tongue and continued walking ahead. I rolled my eyes.

You were annoyed that you had to deal with this everyday but it didn't seem like a big obstacle in the grand scene of your goal. Revenge. That's all you ever cared about. Revenge.


You started to hear whispers ahead. Both you and Hidan immediately jumped to the trees and travelled closer to the sound. You saw four shinobi men discussing something amongst themselves. You immediately recognised one of the them as the man you were targeting.

"This looks like an easy job. I will let you handle it yourself. I too want to see your "special" skills," Hidan sarcastically said to you.

"Fine by me." You immediately jumped from your hiding place in front of the shinobis.

"Who are you?" One of them asked in shock. They all grabbed their kunais and set themselves into a fighting stance.

"No one you need to worry about," you replied, bored.

"Ahh... It is just a cocky little girl," the target arrogantly said, "do you want to have some fun with us."

"I sure do." you replied.

"Hey! I recognise that coat...SHE IS FROM.." before the other man finished his sentence you swiftly cut his neck with your kunai knife. Blood splattered across your face and the man fell down. Dead.

"What!!!! You b..tch!" another came running up to me.

"Why do they all call me that? Anyways from the looks of their skill I probably don't need to use my Kekkei Genkai. This is be an easy job done," you thought to myself.

Immediately the two others were down dead as well.

"Wait...wait...who are you? What do you want with me?" the target begged.

"Your head," you said with a sinister smile on my face. You quickly and smoothly slit his throat to finish the job. You stared at the corpse for a second and then picked it up throwing it over your shoulder. You turned and looked in the direction of the bastard Hidan.

"Hey! I finished the job. Where do we take this thing to get the bounty money?" you asked him. What you didn't realise was that Hidan was surprised at your skill and swiftness to take out the enemies. You didn't falter one bit to kill humans. The smile you gave at the end had stirred up some interest towards you. One thing he was certain off. You weren't an ordinary girl.

"Yeah...yeah I am coming," he said jumping off the tree. He didn't want to show he was impressed due to his huge ego. "Hey you got blood across your face. You should probably wash it off."

"Blood isn't new to you though. I just want to get the job done as quickly as possible,"

"Hmph! I probably have dealt with blood much longer than you have. I am a Jashin remember. I live to kill however it may stain your face. Don't you woman worry about your looks or something,"

"That is not something that triggers me,"

"Just wash it off. You look like a freak with it,"

"Aren't we all,"

"Just do as I say,"

You gave in to him as you knew the conversation was going no where. You threw the body to him and found a river nearby to wash your face.

"That was nothing special back there. I could have much easily finished the job." His pride was surfacing.

"OK fine. You were the one who wanted to assess me. So how did I go?" curious as to what he would say.

"Ah... Average I guess however that wasn't your true potential was it?"

"Yeah it wasn't. I would like to see you in action some day aswell,"

"I don't have to prove myself to you B..tch," his scornful attitude came back to him and just when you thought that you were having a normal conversation.

"I already told you to stop calling me that!" I yelled.


"Fine. I can't waste my precious energy on a childish grown man like yourself," I said walking ahead of him.

"Hey! What did you call me! ... Hey B..tch! I am talking to you!" Hidan kept yelling behind you.

"Just lead me to the place already," I said exhausted from the conversation.

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