Chapter 2

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Kaltag awoke a few hours later next to Nikki and Star. He was thankful for his friends. Sure Star was a retard and Nikki could be a huge ass sometimes but he loved them like family. He wanted to get up without disturbing the others from their rest so he gently moved Nikki's arm off of him and when he got up he put Star next to Nikki. He walked off.

Balto's POV

"Jenna we need to talk."he said in a not so enthusiastic tone. "What is Balto?she asked curiosly. "I love you Jenna , I really do but-"before he could finish his sentence Jenna finished it for him. "But you have a thing for Kaltag?"she replied smirking. "Yeah...."he said twirling until he got comfy. He laid down with his jaw on the floor with a dissapointed face. "Hey , what's wrong?"she asked. " a guy dog...."he replied vaguely. "Nothing's wrong about it you just like someone of the same gender no big deal."she said. "Maybe to you."he replied. "Look , you can't change your sexual orientation I mean did you want to like guys?"she asked smiling. "No."he replied. "See you can't change that even if you wanted to , just accept who you are."she replied. "But....but what will....Boris think of me?"he asked. "He's your step father I'm sure he's fine with who you are."she said. "Might I remind you he is a RUSSIAN goose."he replied. "If he can't accept you then he can't have a son."Jenna replied. "I guess you're right."he rwplied sighing. "So , anything you like about Kaltag in particular?"she asked grinning. "'s a little....weird..."he replied. "It is not , come on I'm not gonna judge you."she replied. Balto took in a heap of breath and let it out.""he responded blushing heavily. "His body?"she asked. "Yeah."he said. "You know he too , right?"she asked. "No."he said with perked up ears. "You don't notice how he looks at you?"she replied giggling. "No..."he said." He looks at you ALL THE TIME. He dosen't even need you to be around to see every little detail."she said laughing. "Don't lie."he replied. "Why would I lie?"she replied. "Got a point , where's Kaltag?"he asked. "I don't know , why don't find him and let him discover other parts he hasn't seen."she said smiling. "Shut up." Balto replied as Jenna laughed.

Kaltag's POV

I was walking on my way to the Old Mill when I ran into who else but Balto. After what happened a few hours ago , I don't know if I can handle talking to him."Hey Kaltag."he said smiling. "Hey."I replied. "Told you I would see you later."he said laughing. "Yeah."I replied. "So, where are you heading?"he asked. "To the Old Mill" I replied. "Cool , mind if I come along?"he asked. "No , come on." I replied. We walked a few more minutes and we eventually reached the Old Mill. Noone was in there so it was just me and Balto. He laid down on the right side and I laid down on the left. "Hey Kaltag , why don't you come over here."he said as a statement."I like it over here." I replied. "Alright I'll come over to you then. I was blushing so heavily hoping and praying to god he dosent see me blushing. He laid down next to me and was just a few inches from me. "Kaltag."he asked. "Huh?"I replied. "I broke up with Jenna."he said."You seem happy about it."I replied."Because she accepted me."he replied. "What do you mean?"I asked. He moved even closer to me and hugged me."I'm gay Kaltag , and I love you."he replied. "Ba......Balto....I don't know what to say."I said smiling. "I love you too."I replied hugging him back.

Hey guys! So this wraps up the second chapter I was gonna have this happen in the fifth chapter but couldn't wait I just couldn't! I hope you Balto fans like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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