Everything is going to Change

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Authors note: Hi everybody! My name is Sara and this is my first fanfiction so a little grace for any mistakes. My sister has helped a lot with the ideas but I would also like to hear yours.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were slowly making there way to Gryffindor Tower. They stumbled over the aftermath of the battle. There were huge parts of the walls missing, it was filthy and there was blood stains everywhere. The corridors were deserted except for Ron and Hermione who were walking hand in hand just ahead of Harry. He was exhausted.
Eventually they made it to the corridor with the portrait of the fat lady. Harry had a fleeting moment of worry, he didn't know the password, but the worry evaporated as soon as the portrait swung open for Ron and Hermione. He heard the fat lady say something but didn't register what was said.
Slowly Harry walked up the stone steps to his old dormitory and flopped on the bed shoes, glasses, and all. He was asleep before his head hit the pillows.

Many hours later, Harry woke up, his head pounding and body aching. The curtains around his bed were now closed, his glasses were on the table beside him and his shoes on the floor. Sitting up he tried to remember what had happened. With a jolt he stood up, pushing the curtains aside which was apparently too much for his body and he crumbled to the floor. He heard a multiple gasps and in mere moments he felt strong but comforting arms around him. He looked up to see Mrs.Weasley. She scooped him up and helped him back to the bed. Ginny right behind her.

"Harry! Are you alright" Ginny asked concerned from the end of his bed.

Harry nodded, a bad idea as it caused more pain to flood his head making him dizzy. Taking a deep breath and trying again with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes he said " I've been better"

"Arthur, get Poppy" Mrs.Weasly said dryly, worry etched across her face.

Mr.Weasly nodded and left. A few minutes later Harry was being inspected by the schools matron, Poppy Pomfry.

Poppy worked on Harry for what seemed a long while but actually it was only a half hour. He was told Poppy had already healed a good many of his injuries while he was asleep. She finished what she could for the time being and sat down on a conjured stool facing Harry.

"Now Harry, I've done what I can. You will need to get these as well as scedual an appointment at St. Mungos." She said handing him a list of potions, " you will also need to take it easy for a while and good grief you need to eat!"

She then stood up, nodded to the present Weasleys and Hermione, and walked out mumbling about other patients and getting some sleep.

Once she left, Harry looked around the room. He saw Mr. and Mrs.Weasly sitting on an old school trunk and Ginny was still at the end of his bed. Ron and Hermione were there as well, they had come in while madam Pomfry was working on him.
"How long have I been asleep?" He asked

Hermione answered "About 30 hours" Harry was shocked, Hermione catching the look continued "Come on Harry it's not that surprising, you have been on the run for almost a year fighting death-eaters breaking into the ministry and Gingotts not to mention you dreams and the fact that you just won a battle with the greatest dark wizard of all time. I am honestly surprised you made it this long."

She said this all very fast and  saw bewildered faces of those in the room making Hermione blush a deep red. Ginny spoke up
"We have a LOT to talk about" and something about the tone she used made Harry scared (as all men should be of the Weasley women) and at the same time, excited.

Harry nodded and stood up slowly as not to fall again. He told the red-heads he was going to take a shower.

"Here take these dear" Mrs.Weasley said summoning a fresh pair of clothes and hading them to him " we will wait for you in the commonroom then we can talk about what to do next." She wore a warm smile and nodded encouragingly.

In answer Harry nodded, took the fresh clothes gratefully and walked toward the showers. He was no longer in great physical pain other than being a little sore. However, he needed space and time to heal  emotionally and mentally. That he figured would take a lot longer than an hour.

After a long hot shower Harry emerged from the bathroom feeling even better now he was clean. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a red T-shirt, and a black jacket. He fixed his glasses and put them on along with his sneakers.
Back down in the commonroom, the house elves had brought, much to Hermione's discontent, an early lunch. The Weasleys and Hermione ate the sandwiches along with some pumpkin juice.
Scattered around the room many Gryffindors were sleeping, eating, talking quietly, mourning loved ones, or just sitting with blank expressions on their faces.

When Harry came down, for a moment everyone who was awake looked his way, small smiles here and there. Harry smiled back half-heartedly. He never did like all the attention he got.

Quickly he walked over to the group of red heads and Hermione. Mrs.Weasley stood up and greeted him with a hug, then putting him at arms length she said
"Harry dear, you are part of the this family and if you need anything come to me alright?" he could tell she had been crying by her red puffy eyes and choked voice.
He nodded before plopping down on a big fluffy red couch next to Ginny. He took the sandwiche Hermione offered him and took a sip of some pumpkin juice. There was little talk other than plans for the next few days. They were planning on going back to the Borrow for now. Harry stayed quiet just listening to the others.

Once he finished Mrs.Weasly nodded and said softly
"Everyone ready to go then."
Everyone nodded and got up. Together they walked to the portrait hole.

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