A Day of Remembranc

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Author note: hey guys sorry for another long wait. I am writing this as I go so I only have a vague outline of what's to come. This makes the writing process longer. I would also like to note that I do not know what a funeral looks like or how to write mourning characters so this chapter might not be realistic. But overall I do like how it turned out.
On with the story

There was no nightmare that night but Harry was still up at dawn. Again he watched the sun rise, thinking about all that had happened. Despite all the people telling him it wasn't his fault that the people he loved had  died, he still felt guilty. He couldn't stop seeing them, dead, but he knew he would live his life to the fullest, because people like Remus, Tonks, and Fred couldn't. He knew they would want him to move on, to be happy.

Just as the sky was turning it's normal blue Harry saw Percy walking up the yard and into the house. Immediately his curiosity overcame Harry. So, remembering the conversation with Percy the day before, Harry quietly walked down to the kitchen where he again found Percy staring at the Weasley Clock deep in thought.
"Morning Percy" Harry greeted
"Good morning Harry...  Kingsley told me you are giving a speech at the funeral today. Are you ready for it?"
"I sorta know what I want to say but I haven't written anything down... Hey Percy? Yesterday you said you were forced to write that letter and abandon your family, who forced you?"
Percy's face paled but he took a deep breath and answered
"The Ministry " Harry heard the barely audible whisper.
"What do you mean the Ministry?"
"T-the minister, Pius Thicknesse, and Delores... they threatened to hurt and kill my family if I didn't... you have to understand Harry I didnt want to, they made me... I... wanted to support you and Dumbledore but I was afraid because I worked at the Ministry"
Percy explained close to tears by the looks of it and his eyes pleaded with Harry to understand.
Harry for his part still didnt fully understand but was starting to.
"Percy, why would the Ministry force you to separate yourself from your family? Wouldn't they want you to at least spy on them?"
"I dont know Harry I really don't"
"Percy which family were you protecting by following their orders?" Harry asked much to Percy's surprise and shock. And to his but he somehow knew to ask.
"You you know? Ho- how"
"You confirmed it for me just now but I had my suspicions? I dont know how but I knew you weren't just talking about your parents and siblings. Your eyes changed when you talked about them, it was different somehow"
"Yes" Persy whispered "my wife and our child. Harry you have to understand I did it only to protect them they mean the world to me, I-I had to keep them safe and that ment distancing myself from my parents and siblings and keeping my family a secret..." he finished.
"Persy I understand. Is that where you go at night?"
"Yes, I leave after everyone is asleep and come back early"
"Okay... oh hello Mrs. Weasley how are you this morning" Harry asked
"Morning mum" Percy mumbled, trying to hide his panic 'did she know? What had she heard?' Thoughts like these whipping around his head.
"I'm okay Harry dear, I was just going to start breakfast."
"Sounds good. Would you like any help?" Harry asked
"Oh no that's quite alright you have done loads to help us already"
Percy was slowly walking out the back door, Harry noticed "Not as much as you have helped me. Well then I might go for a quick walk."
"That's fine dear"
Harry stood up leaving his now half empty cup of tea on the table and followed Percy out the back door
"Hey Percy" Harry called catching up with the panicky redhead "She didnt hear anything I know it."
"How can you be sure... oh this is not how I wanted them to find out..."
"Percy she doesn't know" Harry tried again "dont ask me how but our conversation could not be over heard... I think my magic protected us"
"Now who is your wife?" Harry asked tying to distract a much calmer Persy
"Audrey... that's her name she is Terry Boots older sister. And our son, Ethan, he is just a few months old. We have a cottage in a small town near London called Alfriston. It's really beautiful there. Right now Audrey isn't working  it took me forever to convince her to stay home especially because money is tight. But they are safe and that's all that matters."
Harry listened to Percy talk freely as the two walked through the Weasley orchard. He loved hearing and seeing the pure joy as Percy talked about the people he cared do much for.

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