A Busy Date pt.2

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Hi people! Sorry for the wait I have been busy and had a bit of writers blog on this one. It came out totally different fro. What I thought it would be but that's how it goes. Remember this is not mine anything you recognize is probably JK Rowling's who I am super grateful for and am having a lot of fun playing with her characters. Anyway enjoy!

"Its beautiful!" Ginny whispered as the couple walked down a stone path toward Harry's new house. "I wonder how it has stayed this well kept" she wondered aloud.
Harry shrugged "probably a stasis charm mixed with the house elves, I felt both at the gate" 
"I didn't feel anything mabye it has something to do with you owning the house? That would make sense.... come on slow poke" she giggled and started running up the path" 
"I win" Ginny said a little breathless as they reached the front porch.
Harry hugged her and said "that you did Gin"
She smiled and motioned for Harry to open the door to the Potter home.
The house was bright and homey much like the Weasley house. The soft light of the sun was peaking through the navy curtains.
Together they walked down the hall stopping to say hi to the portraits of Harry's parents and grandparents. Then with apparent guides they walked through the whole house. There was a kitchen, bathroom, and dining room near the back of the first floor, a living area with many bookshelves and some kind of study near the front to the left, a master bedroom and bathroom with a walk-in-closet to the front right. Between the dining area and master bedroom was a staircase which lead to the second floor. Upstairs the couple found four more bedrooms one of which was obviously James' if the bright red and gold with quidditch posters all over was any thing to go by. They also found Sirius' which looked similar to James' but with rock posters, a guitar in the corner and a bunch of motorcycle posters. The two were right next to each other of course. The other 2 bedrooms were simple and obviously guestrooms. There was also two bathrooms and another slightly smaller study. The whole house had a soft color scheme of navy, silver, red, and brown/tans. Ginny's favorite spot was a small sunroom like cove off the kitchen, it overlooked a huge backyard with trees and what looked like quidditch posts. Harry's favorite spot was the master study. It was a good sized room with bookshelves lining one and a half walls, a desk in the middle, behind the desk was huge windows showing trees and a garden with all manner of plants neatly organized by potion ingredients, food, and flowers. Harry particularly like the Lillies right below the window. There was a sitting area in one corner of the room with many picture frames that were empty until his family walked in them. Ginny and Harry were sitting in two of the three armchairs now facing the wall with the picture frames.
"What do you think Harry?" James' mum, who they found out was Euphemia Potter, asked.
"I love it" Harry said grinning more than he had in a long time "I can't wait to live here!"
"What about you dear?" Fleamont potter, Harry's grandfather asked indicting Ginny
"Its beautiful Mr. Potter and please call me Ginny"
"I am glad you like it Harry it was amazing staying here then living... some of the best memories of my life" Sirius added
"Like what?" Harry asked wanting to know more about his family.
"Well there was this one time we were making Christmas cookies with the boys and Lily of course. Everything was going fine but then Peter dropped a big dollop of icing on Sirius which made Sirius jumbo back knocking into  Remus who dropped a whole sheet of cookies on Lily. James just sat there laughing until Lily through a cookie at him! I was still cleaning up cookie crumbs a week later from the cookie fight they had!" Euphemia said laughing.
"Hey we helped clean up" James and Sirius said indignantly and at the same time.
Harry's grandmother chuckled "sure you did just like the time Sirius cleaned up after his motorcycle project"
Ginny laughed and Harry coughed to cover up his "what did you do Sirius?"
"I wouldn't call painting the walls using oil nothing mate"
"JAAAMMMESS your supposed to be on my side" Sirius whined
"Wh-wh-what" Ginny said through giggles
"Sirius came home 6th year and decided he was going to get a motorcycle so he bought one. Throughout the summer he obsessed over it Remus and I even started calling it his baby. Anyway one day he- what spell was it Padfoot?"
"A cleaning charm" Sirius mumbled
"Right anyway he blotched it somehow and the gas tank exploded and oil went everywhere. You couldn't recognize him he was so greasy!"
They all laughed Sirius a little less enthusiastic.
"I fixed it and even made it fly... I wonder what happened to it?" He mused
"Hagrid used it to fly me to Andromeda's place about two years ago I dont know what happened to it since though I dont reckon its in great shape, we sorta crash landed" Harry said sheepishly.
"That's to bad" Sirius said "worked well while I had it anyway"

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