"Thank you"

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No one's p.o.v

Jin was out on a walk when he got pulled in a alley way. When Jin was in the alley the male that pulled him in there started to give Jin hickey s that hurt badly. Jin started to scream for help but the male covered his mouth and that is where the man started to take off Jin's clothes.

Yoongi 's P.O.V 

I went on a walk to get some air after the fight I had with Jungkook about Jimin and that ended up with Taehyung telling me that I need to leave so that Jungkook could calm down and make Jimin stop crying. So here I am walking all by myself trying to calm down that is until I heard someone yelling help.

 I ran to where than help came from and I saw someone getting raped. I ran over and punched the guy that was raping the cat hybrid. We then ended up fighting and he ran away. I then looked to the cat hybrid and asked "are you okay?" He shook his head. I sighed "Alright let's get you to my place,is that ok?" He nodded his head. 

I picked him up and went back to my place and opened the door to see Jimin coming down the stairs " what happened to him? " Jimin asked concerned "he got raped and I saved him" I told Jimin. We then heard a faint "Thank you" from the cat hybrid that I was carrying "your welcome " I said back. I then put him down on the couch and went to my room while Jimin was taking care of him.


Sorry that I didn't upload for a while I was still thinking what to do for Yoonjin so again sorry for not uploading.

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