Prologue: Kana's Childhood

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of rape, kidnapping, and torture.

3rd Person POV

Kana Katsumi was born a ghoul, but both of her parents were human. It was such a rare thing to happen, so it wasn't much of a surprise that her parents freaked out when she ate the flesh off her twin brother's arm. Her parents didn't know what was happening to her, so they decided the best course of action would be to give her away to someone who did know. That someone just so happened to be a ghoul named Big Madam. Big Madam raised the child as her own until she was a teenager. The day she turned 13 years old, she was treated completely different. Kana was taught how to fight, how to kill, and how to not expose herself as a ghoul. Kana tried her best to keep her 'Mama' happy. If she didn't obey, the only person that was close to a brother would be hurt badly. Juuzou Suzuya, or Big Bro Juuzou by Kana, was the only thing that kept Kana sane during her tough training.

Kana POV

Big Bro Juuzou and I were talking about the differences between our lives even though we live under the same roof. There was nothing else to really talk about considering we had no life outside of this building's walls. We were interrupted by Mama walking into the room we were in with a man following behind her. "This the girl we were talking about?" Mama nodded her head at the man's question. I was ordered to follow the man to a room next door. I didn't know any better, so I followed closely behind the man.

Juuzou POV

I watched as Mama left the room. I was left alone because Kana left with the man, then Mama left. I was about to find a way to entertain myself, until I heard screaming. I was trying to figure out where it was coming from, until I realized that the person was screaming words, my name. I tried to find the source of the screaming, only to realize it was next door, where Kana and that man are. It didn't take much after that to realize that the man was raping her. I tried to exit the room, but found the door locked. I couldn't get out, I couldn't save Kana.

3rd Person POV

Big Madam sold Kana's body off to men so they could use her as they pleased. Some would rape her, others would beat her to a pulp. This went on for a year until a certain man came into Kana's life.

Kana POV

I was thinking to myself when Mama came into the room, and shortly after, a man followed her. "This is the girl." The man nodded his head and picked me up, carrying me away. I thought he was just going to beat me up or something like the others have done, but I was shocked when I saw him carry me outside the doors, far away from that place. I fell asleep while he carried me and didn't wake up until we got there. I woke up when I was in a cage. It wasn't a big cage, just tall enough for me to stand up. I looked up and saw the man that brought me here walk in. He explained how I was going to be his puppet from this day until the day he dies. I was too scared to say anything, so I nodded my head.

He said I was going to be his puppet, and that is what I was for years. I did whatever he said to do. From killing people for him, to assisting him with torture, occasionally, I would even help him kidnap people. Wherever he went on business, I followed behind. I hadn't spoken a word since the day he brought me here because that's what Master, I was told to call him that, wanted of me.


So this is the end of the prologue. I don't really know what else to do with this one. I just woke up one day and was like "I'm going to write a Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction." I had started it, but I never finished it until today. This is kinda short, but I promise the chapters will be longer.

I hope you enjoyed the prologue. If you did, please leave a vote. If you didn't, please leave a comment telling me what I could do to improve it.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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