Chapter one 🤍🖤

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Dereks Pov
I can't do this anymore I packed my bags and I left I couldn't live there anymore I couldn't handle the pain I was going through so I left I didn't have no where to go I called one of my closest and only friend lucky he answered
End of pov

Hey sorry to annoy you but can I stay over for tonight- Derek
Sure come over I'll leave the window open for you- vally
Thank you so much okay see you in a bit- Derek

It was really dark at night and cold I couldn't believe I left home not that I care, I felt safe I kept on walking till I got vally house I went around his house to find his window open I went inside and vally wasn't there
moments later he came in

Oh hi Derek-vally
Hey thanks again for letting me stay- Derek
No problem let's go to sleep it's kinda late we have school tomorrow remember-vally
Oh ya I wished summer was still here- Derek
Same I don't want to go but we have to- vally
Okay well we're I am sleeping- Derek
You can sleep with me bro- vally
Okay goodnight vally- Derek

Next day
The alarm went off all you heard were groans from both boys they didn't want to get up till vally mom knocked on the door and told
Vally to get ready which meat Derek had to get ready too they weren't in a good mood since it was the first day of school today there juniors now as Derek was getting his clothes form his backpack Vally remember something "hey um I forgot to ask yesterday how come you wanted to come over" Derek said "idk just wanted to hangout" Vally "oh okay that's fine you staying today or nah" Derek said "can I" Vally said "ya sure your my best friend I could never say no to you"Derek said "thanks man well let's get ready before we're late"

Derek is wearing

Vally is wearing

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Vally is wearing

Derek povCan't believe it's the first day of school today kinda wish I took the opportunity during the summer oh well I need to grab my sweater so Vally doesn't see my cuts

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Derek pov
Can't believe it's the first day of school today kinda wish I took the opportunity during the summer oh well I need to grab my sweater so Vally doesn't see my cuts

Vally pov
It's really hot today and Derek is wearing a hoodie I mean he always wears one but today is goona be hot I looked at him putting it on I think he caught me he just looked away and finally I spoke up

"Let's go Derek we're goona be late" Vally said while grabbing his backpack and phone, "ok I'm done let's go" said Derek

Moments later they got to school

We walked inside and went to the office to go and grab our schedules once we got them me and Vally checked if we had any classes together sadly we only had 2 classes together gym and Spanish

Dereks schedule
1st period- English
2nd period- math
3rd period- gym
4th period- lunch
5th period- Spanish
6th period- history
7th period-art

Vally schedule
1st period- math
2nd period- history
3rd period- gym
4th period- lunch
5th period- Spanish
6th period- art
7th period-free period

After they got there schedules they parted ways since there classes were all different
On the way there Derek trip and drop Someone  things he looked up from the ground and it was a tall guy he looked down at him and said "watch it" he grabbed his things and got up and went to class. Derek got up and rushed to class as well once he entered class he saw........

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